Can I use Hair Products after a Hair Transplant is done?

Hair Transplant

Hair products like gels and sprays can indeed be used after a hair transplant, but timing is crucial. It’s advisable to wait for at least 3 weeks post-treatment. However, the specific time to start using these products should align with your surgeon’s recommendations. Getting A Hair Transplant The journey to a permanent solution for hair loss involves hair transplant surgery. This procedure entails transferring healthy, baldness-resistant hairs from one area to the recipient area. Typically, the donor area comprises the back and sides of the patient’s head, where baldness-resistant hairs grow. The results are permanent if a qualified doctor is chosen, but proper aftercare plays a significant role in determining the final outcome Right After Hair Transplant Achieving positive results after a hair transplant requires proper care during the healing process. Common concerns post-surgery include when to wash and use other hair products. Typically, patients avoid washing their hair for at least 24 hours after the surgery. Maintaining a clean scalp is crucial, and surgeons usually permit hair washing after this initial period. When washing post-surgery, experts recommend using a mild shampoo, preferably a baby shampoo without harsh chemicals. Gentle treatment during washing is essential, as forceful rubbing is discouraged. After washing, pat the hair dry gently with a soft towel. Using a conditioner is subject to consultation with your doctor, who may suggest a mild option compatible with your scalp’s condition. What about hair dyes? Patients are advised to refrain from using hair dyes post-surgery due to potential harsh chemicals that could cause permanent damage. Bleaching is also discouraged. Rapid blow-drying immediately after a hair transplant can lead to scalp damage and negatively impact healing hair follicles. It’s recommended to allow the hair to air dry initially, followed by a careful patting dry with a towel once sufficient healing has occurred. Additionally, hair dryers should be avoided during this phase. FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)   Q1: When can I start using hair products after a hair transplant? A: It’s advisable to wait for at least 3 weeks after the surgery, but the specific timing depends on your surgeon’s recommendations.   Q2: Is hair transplant a permanent solution for hair loss? A: Yes, hair transplant surgery offers a permanent solution, provided it is performed by a qualified doctor and followed by proper aftercare.   Q3: Can I wash my hair immediately after a hair transplant? A: Patients typically avoid washing their hair for at least 24 hours after the surgery, and scalp cleanliness is essential during this initial period.   Q4: What type of shampoo is recommended after a hair transplant? A: Experts recommend using a mild shampoo, preferably a baby shampoo without harsh chemicals, to avoid harm to the treated area.   Q5: Is conditioner advisable after a hair transplant? A: Consult with your doctor before using a conditioner. They may suggest a mild option compatible with your scalp’s condition.   Q6: Can I use hair dyes post-hair transplant? A: It’s advised to avoid using hair dyes after a hair transplant, as they may contain harsh chemicals that can damage hair permanently.   Q7: Is blow-drying allowed after a hair transplant? A: Rapid blow-drying immediately after a hair transplant is discouraged, as it can lead to scalp damage and negatively affect healing hair follicles.   Q8: When can I use a hair dryer after a hair transplant? A: Hair dryers should be avoided during the initial healing phase. Allow the hair to air dry initially and then use a soft towel after washing.   Q9: What is the significance of proper aftercare in a hair transplant? A: Proper aftercare is crucial for the final outcome of a hair transplant, ensuring positive results and long-term success.   Q10: Why is using mild products recommended after a hair transplant? A: Mild products, such as shampoo and conditioner, are recommended to avoid harmful chemicals that could potentially harm the treated area and impede the healing process.

Should I Get a Hair Transplant?

hair transplant

People often get worried by numerous issues related to their personality. Height is one of the major factors that bother everyone alike. High weight is a major and increasing factor that bothers people of every age and gender. Speech problems are also issues of concern for some individuals.  Another very major and widespread issue that causes trouble for many people is Pattern Baldness or Hair Loss. All of these health issues create huge problems for sufferers and decrease their confidence greatly. These problems could keep individuals away from society and make them depressed or loners. There has been significant proof in psychology that individuals who don’t mingle in society end up developing various health issues complexities. These complications are deeply connected with some of the appearance and looks related to health issues mentioned above. The sufferer thinks that he/she doesn’t look good enough to go out and mingle in society. Among all the troubles related to one’s appearance, hair loss is the problem that bothers the most. Even worrying too much about it might increase the rate of baldness. However, the good news is that now the baldness problem is treatable. A Perfect Solution Hair transplant is the best and most ideal solution for baldness. If you look around, you’ll find numerous advertisements that offer transplant services, but not everyone offers great results. So, you need to find the best surgeon who can deliver excellent results like at GLOJAS. Transplantation is a simple procedure in which hair is surgically grafted on your head. Relying upon the area that is supposed to be transplanted, the number of sessions a patient may have to go through would vary. This technique has become highly cost effective nowadays. In early phases, this transplant was not available. Individuals needed to make a trip abroad to complete the transplant. However, the best type of hair transplant is now available also in Malaysia. Hair Transplant is one of the most trusted treatments that have helped numerous individuals to carry on with a casual life. Male Pattern Baldness or hairlessness will not be able to bring misery into people’s lives any more. Hair transplant is an affordable treatment and even the general population who experience the ill effects of baldness can choose to have this treatment. The cost of Hair Transplant is neither cheap nor expensive. It’s all about choosing the right transplant surgeon. Of course you should find out the cost of Hair Transplant, but you should rather give importance to surgeons skills and not money. Some surgeons offer services at cheap prices, but they fail to deliver proper results. Therefore, you must visit a surgeon who is known for his expertise and not for cheap prices. Consult for FREE with GLOJAS Hair Specialist Clinic, as we provide the best solution-oriented hair transplant with our specialist doctors experts in their fields, treating all of our patients with honest, trustworthy, ethical, and equal service of the highest quality, meeting all the required national and international standards.

What is Male Pattern Hair Loss Level 3?

male pattern hair loss

Male Pattern Hair Loss (MPHL), also known as androgenetic alopecia, is a common condition that affects a significant portion of the male population. It is characterized by a predictable pattern of hair loss that follows a distinct progression. Let’s explore deeper into Male Pattern Hair Loss Level 3, exploring its causes, symptoms, and potential treatment options. Male Pattern Hair Loss Level 3 Male Pattern Hair Loss is categorized into several stages or levels, with Level 3 being a notable point in the progression of the condition. At this stage, individuals typically experience a more pronounced thinning of hair on the crown area, also known as the vertex. Hair loss in this region becomes more evident, leading to increased visibility of the scalp. Causes of Male Pattern Hair Loss Male Pattern Hair Loss is primarily attributed to genetic and hormonal factors. It is influenced by the interplay between androgens (male hormones) and genetics. The hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is a key player in the development of MPHL. In genetically predisposed individuals, DHT attaches to hair follicles, leading to their miniaturization and eventual cessation of hair production. Symptoms of Level 3 Male Pattern Hair Loss Male Pattern Hair Loss Level 3 is characterized by the following symptoms: Crown Thinning: Thinning hair at the crown of the scalp is a hallmark of Level 3 MPHL. Hair becomes sparse, and the scalp becomes more visible, creating a circular or oval-shaped balding pattern. Hairline Maintenance: Unlike earlier stages of MPHL, the hairline at Level 3 is often relatively preserved. However, further progression of the condition may lead to a receding hairline in later stages. Hair Shedding: Increased hair shedding during daily activities such as showering or combing is common. This shedding is a result of weakened hair follicles producing thinner and finer hairs. Treatment Options for Male Pattern Hair Loss Level 3 While Male Pattern Hair Loss is a progressive condition, there are various treatment options available to manage its symptoms and slow down its progression: Medications: Two FDA-approved medications, finasteride (oral) and minoxidil (topical), are commonly used to treat MPHL. Finasteride works by reducing DHT levels, while minoxidil promotes hair growth by improving blood circulation to the hair follicles. Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT): LLLT involves the use of specialized devices that emit low-intensity laser light to stimulate hair follicles, promoting hair growth and increasing hair density. Hair Transplant Surgery: Hair transplant procedures involve the transplantation of healthy hair follicles from one area of the scalp (usually the back of the head) to the thinning or balding areas. This surgical option provides long-lasting and natural-looking results. Lifestyle Changes: Adopting a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, regular exercise, and stress management, can contribute to overall hair health. Camouflage Techniques: Various cosmetic products, such as hair fibers and concealers, can be used to temporarily mask the appearance of thinning hair and create the illusion of fuller hair. Male Pattern Hair Loss Level 3 is a significant stage in the progression of androgenetic alopecia, characterized by pronounced thinning at the crown area. While it can be distressing, there are several treatment options available to manage the condition and promote hair growth. Consulting with GLOJAS experts is essential to determine the most suitable treatment plan based on individual needs and preferences. At Glojas, we welcome clients to reach out to us directly to schedule a free initial consultation. We offer guidance and valuable insights on how best to address your specific challenges. Let us assist you in navigating your journey with confidence and clarity.

Can a Hair Transplant Be Done on a Scar?

hair transplant

Modern advancements in cosmetic surgery have transformed the landscape of addressing aesthetic concerns. One intriguing development is the ability to perform hair transplants on scars. Renowned for their success in restoring hairlines, hair transplants have expanded their scope to tackle scars. Let’s delve into the world of hair transplants on scars. Hair Transplants on Scars Feasible and transformative, hair transplants on scars owe their success to evolving surgical techniques and skilled surgeons. Scars, lingering reminders of injuries or surgeries, can be emotionally challenging. Hair transplantation emerges as a solution by using the patient’s own hair follicles to cover and blend with the scar tissue, effectively concealing it and providing a more natural appearance. Techniques Used for Hair Transplants on Scars Two primary techniques are commonly employed for performing hair transplants on scars: SMART™ Follicular Unit Extraction (SMART™ FUE): Ideal for smaller scars or less invasive approaches, SMART™ FUE involves extracting individual hair follicles directly from the donor area and implanting them into the scar. SMART™ Follicular Unit Transplantation (SMART™ FUT): Particularly useful for larger scars requiring greater coverage, SMART™ FUT involves harvesting a strip of hair-bearing skin from the donor area and meticulously placing individual follicular units within the scar. Benefits of Hair Transplants on Scars Enhanced Aesthetics: Integrating hair follicles into the scar makes it less noticeable, blending seamlessly with the surrounding skin. Boosted Confidence: Concealing scars through hair transplantation often leads to a significant boost in self-confidence and self-image. Natural Results: Meticulous attention to detail ensures that transplanted hair matches existing hair, resulting in natural-looking outcomes. Minimal Downtime: Hair transplant procedures on scars typically have a relatively short recovery period, allowing patients to return to regular activities within a few days. Long-lasting Results: Transplanted hair is permanent, providing long-term concealment of the scar. The ability to perform hair transplants on scars offers new hope for addressing both hair loss and scar visibility. With advanced techniques like SMART™ FUE and SMART™ FUT, skilled surgeons can artistically transform scars into natural-looking, hair-covered areas. This procedure not only enhances aesthetics but also instills renewed confidence in individuals burdened by their scars. If you’re contemplating a hair transplant on a scar, consulting with a qualified and experienced surgeon is crucial.They are able to evaluate your particular circumstance and suggest the best course of action. The journey to reclaiming a more confident and aesthetically pleasing appearance through hair transplantation on scars is indeed a promising one. FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) Q1: Can a hair transplant effectively cover a scar? A: Yes, hair transplants on scars use the patient’s own hair follicles to effectively cover and blend with scar tissue. Q2: What are the primary techniques for hair transplants on scars? A: SMART™ Follicular Unit Extraction (SMART™ FUE) and SMART™ Follicular Unit Transplantation (SMART™ FUT) are commonly used techniques. Q3: Are hair transplants on scars suitable for smaller scars? A: Yes, SMART™ FUE is ideal for smaller scars or cases where a less invasive approach is desired. Q4: Which technique is suitable for larger scars requiring greater coverage? A: SMART™ FUT is particularly useful for larger scars that require greater coverage. Q5: How soon can one return to regular activities after a hair transplant on a scar? A: Hair transplant procedures on scars typically have a relatively short recovery period, allowing patients to return to regular activities within a few days. Q6: Is the transplanted hair permanent? A: Yes, transplanted hair is permanent and will continue to grow naturally. Q7: How does hair transplantation on scars enhance aesthetics? A: By integrating hair follicles into the scar, it becomes less noticeable and blends seamlessly with the surrounding skin. Q8: Can hair transplantation on scars boost confidence? A: Yes, concealing scars through hair transplantation often leads to a significant boost in self-confidence and self-image. Q9: What is the importance of consulting with a qualified surgeon for a hair transplant on a scar? A: Consulting with a qualified surgeon is crucial to assess your unique situation and recommend the most suitable approach. Q10: What are the long-term results of a hair transplant on a scar? A: The transplanted hair is permanent, ensuring long-term concealment of the scar.

Why Do People Have Eyebrow Hair Transplant?

hair transplant

The durable and attractive eyebrows can make an eye look beautiful. The eyebrow hair transplant has become a trend in the new generation, and the best techniques are being used to produce better results. There are many unique ideas of eyebrow hair transplants, such as cons and pros. The reasons for eyebrow hair loss is a matter of great concern before having surgical treatment of eyebrow hair transplantation. Eyebrow over plucking is an essential cause of eyebrow surgeries nowadays, particularly in females. Eyebrow hair transplant is the best way to cure this fact, and usually, it takes six to twelve months for eyebrow hair to grow normally and naturally again. Primary reasons why people have eyebrow hair transplant Many women have been having eyebrow hair transplants to increase their facial beauty over the last many years. It is because of the new fashion trends being adapted by many media and fashion industries. This transplant is done for having additional brow lines by adding hair to look beautiful. Once you start doing eyebrow hair transplants, you will know the perks of having a unique and magnificent eyebrow line. The surgeon typically makes the patient more comfortable and an anesthetic so that the patient does not feel the work being done. How is an Eyebrow hair transplant done? When you decide to have an eyebrow hair transplant, you will be curious to know the facts and figures involved in surgery and its effect. The most important task is to find an expert surgeon. Before having this surgery, you should have complete knowledge of these things. Firstly, you are advised to go for consultation whether this treatment will be suitable and successful for you. Secondly, you have to know the period of the process completion, which is usually 1 to 4 hours. It depends upon the area of the work and condition of skin and brow sensitivity. Many other questions may also come in mind, like the recovery time after this surgery. After knowing all the factors mentioned above, you will surely be able to have an eyebrow hair transplant, and GLOJAS is the best place in this regard. Hair transplantation is done by gathering DHT hair from the back part of the scalp and is transplanted in the retreating zones. The method of hair restoration consists of many surgical and therapeutic systems for different kinds of balding. Is the misfortune of experiencing pattern baldness destroy your mental peace, or is it accurate to say you have eyebrow hair issues? At this stage, the best way to answer these kinds of questions is by adopting an eyebrow transplant strategy that is easily accessible all over the world. There are several hair transplant clinics worldwide, but the eyebrow hair transplant in GLOJAS has no match because of its unique procedures.

7 Reasons That Can Lead Hair Loss

hair transplant

Hair loss is part of the normal hair growth cycle. Studies claim that shedding up to 100 hairs per day is normal. But if you see a lot of hair in the comb after you brush it, this can be a worrying sign because Hair Loss is quite common among men and women, with the former more prone to this cruel condition. Hair Loss is mostly related to genes and hormonal imbalances but there are various factors that can contribute to baldness. Hair loss is one of the many medical conditions that run in families. If you have a family history of hair loss, chances are that you will lose your hair in your 20s or early 30s, and the worst part is that there is nothing you can do to prevent it from happening. However, recent studies show that even genetic hair loss can be managed by following a proper diet and adopting a healthy lifestyle. Stress is a major contributor to hair loss. Many studies blame stress and anxiety for a number of health and cosmetic problems, ranging from headaches to heart attacks and wrinkled skin to thinning hair and baldness. Most men and women who shave admit to having experienced physical or emotional stress months before they started losing hair. But the good thing about this type of hair loss is that it is not permanent like genetic hair loss, and the patient starts to regrow hair once the stress is under control. Hormonal imbalance is one of the most common causes of hair loss in men and women. Testosterone is the male hormone most often associated with hair loss. In women, hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy, childbirth and menopause have been found to accelerate hair loss. Thyroid imbalance also contributes to hair loss. So if you are losing hair for no apparent reason, get some hormone tests and the picture will be clear. Heat from hair styling tools is also the cause behind hair loss. Blow-drying may be a simple and easy technique to dry your dripping hair, but did you ever know the list of damages it can cause your hair. It not only makes your hair dry and brittle but also damages the hair follicles, thus causing hair loss. Other hair styling tools such as straighteners and curlers also have a similar effect on your hair. Also avoid frequent hair treatments as the chemicals used in such treatments are also not good for your hair.  Exposing your hair to chemicals regularly can damage your hair texture and sometimes trigger hair loss as well. Shampoos, conditioners and even hair oils available in the market are loaded with chemicals that help add temporary shine to your hair, but in the long run these chemicals damage your hair in different ways. They not only weaken your hair shaft, making it vulnerable at the ends, but also strip your scalp of its natural oils, which ultimately causes hair loss.   Eating and sleeping patterns determine not only your overall health but also the health of your hair and skin. Junk food is the biggest culprit when it comes to many health conditions, as it provides almost no healthy nutrients to your body. Increased consumption of junk food makes your body deficient in various important nutrients, which can cause hair loss. People suffering from eating disorders have also been found to have more hair than usual. Weather conditions also have a big impact on your skin and hair. The air conditioners in your home and office may protect your body from the scorching heat outside, but it’s not so good for your hair. It makes hair brittle and brittle, thus increasing your chances of hair loss. The best way to deal with this type of hair loss is to stretch the hair as much as possible. If you have lost a significant amount of hair and are looking for a way to deal with it, Hair Transplant Surgery may be an option to consider. Hair transplantation at GLOJAS Clinic also offers surgical hair restoration.

Can a Bald Person Get a Hair Transplant

hair transplant

Hair loss, a universal concern impacting millions globally, can profoundly affect self-esteem and confidence. In the realm of medical advancements, hair transplants have emerged as a sought-after solution for those looking to restore their hairline and regain a more youthful appearance. But the burning question remains: Can a completely bald person undergo a hair transplant? Let’s delve into the details! What is a Hair Transplant? Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure involving the relocation of hair follicles from one part of the body, typically the back or sides of the head, to areas experiencing baldness or thinning. Primarily targeted at individuals facing male or female pattern baldness due to genetic factors, these areas often display receding hairlines, thinning crowns, or bald patches. Hair Transplants for Bald Individuals Contrary to intuition, individuals with significant baldness can indeed be candidates for hair transplants. However, several critical factors need consideration. Donor Hair Availability: The success of a hair transplant largely depends on the availability of donor hair follicles. Completely bald individuals may lack viable donor hair on the back and sides of the head. In such cases, hair can be sourced from alternative areas, such as the chest or beard. Expectations and Realistic Results: Individuals with severe baldness must harbor realistic expectations. While a hair transplant can significantly enhance the scalp’s appearance, achieving a full head of hair comparable to someone without any hair loss might be an unrealistic expectation. Advanced Techniques: Advancements like SMART™ Follicular Unit Excision (SMART™ FUE) and SMART™ Follicular Unit Transplantation (SMART™ FUT) at GLOJAS enable the extraction of individual hair follicles for transplantation. These techniques facilitate a more targeted approach, allowing transplantation in areas with minimal existing hair.          Combination Therapies: Complementing hair transplant procedures with therapies like SMART™ platelet-rich plasma (SMART™ PRP) treatment or medications such as minoxidil and finasteride can enhance overall effectiveness and promote hair growth. Considerations for Hair Transplants in Bald Individuals Before committing to a hair transplant, individuals with extensive baldness should take note of the following considerations. Consultation with a Hair Specialist: A thorough consultation with a qualified hair transplant specialist is essential to assess the procedure’s feasibility and establish realistic expectations. Individualized Treatment Plan: Each individual’s hair loss pattern is unique. A customized treatment plan tailored to specific needs ensures the best possible results. Cost and Investment:Hair transplants involve a significant financial investment. Consider the costs of the procedure, follow-up appointments, and any potential touch-up sessions. Recovery and Downtime: Understand the recovery process and downtime associated with the procedure. Patience is key, as it may take several months to witness the full results. Inarguably, hair transplants have revolutionized hair restoration, providing hope to those grappling with baldness. While a completely bald person can undergo a hair transplant, factors like donor hair availability and realistic expectations are pivotal in achieving successful results. If you’re contemplating a hair transplant and dealing with extensive baldness, consulting with GLOJAS hair experts will guide you towards the most suitable options, enabling an informed decision on your hair restoration journey. FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) Q1: Can a person with complete baldness get a hair transplant? A: Yes, individuals with significant baldness can still be candidates for hair transplants, considering factors like donor hair availability.   Q2: What is the SMART™ FUE technique? A: SMART™ Follicular Unit Excision is an advanced hair transplant technique that allows the extraction of individual hair follicles for transplantation.   Q3: Can a hair transplant achieve a full head of hair for severely bald individuals? A: While a hair transplant can significantly enhance appearance, achieving a full head of hair comparable to someone without any hair loss may be unrealistic.   Q4: What are the considerations for individuals with extensive baldness before a hair transplant? A: Considerations include donor hair availability, realistic expectations, advanced techniques, and potential combination therapies.   Q5: What is the duration required to see the complete results of a hair transplant? A: It may take several months to see the full results of a hair transplant, and patience is crucial during the recovery process.   Q6: Are there alternatives to donor hair from the back and sides of the head? A: Yes, hair can be harvested from alternative areas, such as the chest or beard, when donor hair is not sufficiently available on the back and sides.   Q7: What is SMART™ PRP treatment in hair restoration? A: SMART™ platelet-rich plasma treatment is a complementary therapy that can enhance the overall effectiveness of a hair transplant and promote hair growth.   Q8: How much does a hair transplant cost? A: Hair transplants involve a significant financial investment, considering the procedure, follow-up appointments, and potential touch-up sessions.   Q9: Is consulting with a hair transplant specialist necessary? A: Yes, a thorough consultation with a qualified hair transplant specialist is crucial to assess the feasibility of the procedure and set realistic expectations.   Q10: Can a hair transplant be combined with other therapies?  A: Yes, hair transplant procedures can be complemented with therapies like SMART™ PRP treatment or medications such as minoxidil and finasteride to enhance overall effectiveness and promote hair growth.

Can Scalp Micropigmentation Be Removed

hair transplant

The pursuit of a full head of hair has led individuals to explore a spectrum of solutions, ranging from ancient methods to contemporary innovations. In the realm of modern techniques, Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) has emerged as a popular non-surgical approach to hair restoration. However, a common question among those contemplating SMP is whether it genuinely looks real. In this exploration, we aim to provide insights into the intricacies of SMP and address the authenticity of its appearance. Understanding Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) Scalp Micropigmentation, or SMP, is a procedure wherein tiny pigment deposits are tattooed onto the scalp to replicate the appearance of hair follicles. Utilizing specialized equipment, these pigments are carefully inserted into the upper layer of the skin. Primarily employed to address concerns related to hair thinning, receding hairlines, and baldness, SMP creates the illusion of a closely-cropped or shaved head. A standout feature of SMP is its ability to mimic the natural look of hair follicles. Skillful practitioners meticulously match pigments to the client’s natural hair color and skin tone, ensuring seamless integration with existing hair. By replicating the irregular patterns and angles of real hair growth, SMP achieves an incredibly convincing illusion. Selecting the Right Practitioner for SMP While the concept of SMP holds promise, the outcome hinges on the expertise of the practitioner. A skilled and experienced SMP artist comprehends the nuances of hair follicle patterns, distribution, and color variation. Leveraging artistic prowess, they craft a realistic hairline that harmonizes with the client’s facial features. The question of whether SMP looks real is intricately tied to the practitioner’s competence. Real-Life Results and Testimonials Online platforms are replete with before-and-after photos and testimonials showcasing the transformative impact of SMP. These testimonials highlight remarkable improvements in the appearance of previously balding or thinning areas. Clients frequently express enhanced confidence and self-esteem, attesting to the effectiveness of SMP in achieving a natural look. Longevity and Maintenance An additional factor contributing to the authenticity of SMP results is its longevity and maintenance. In contrast to temporary solutions like wigs or hairpieces, SMP is designed as a semi-permanent solution. Over time, the pigments may experience slight fading, mirroring the natural graying process of real hair. This gradual change adds to the realism of SMP, dispelling any notion that it looks artificial. If you’re seeking a rejuvenated appearance and a full head of hair, Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) emerges as a viable option. With skilled practitioners intricately replicating the look of natural hair follicles, SMP creates a natural-looking hairline that enhances confidence and self-esteem. While individual results may vary, the consensus among SMP recipients is that it indeed looks real. As with any cosmetic procedure, thorough research and consultation with GLOJAS hair experts are essential for achieving authentic and satisfying results. Connect with us today to learn more!

Are There a Number Of Hairs In Your Brush Or Comb?

hair transplant

When you comb your hair, are there a number of hairs in your brush or comb? If so, you can consider this as normal. Everyone loses their hair on a daily basis. It can mean the loss of 100 hairs or more each day. If, however, the loss gets more extensive, there is the possibility that you have a problem. What is the best way to find out? One thing you should definitely do is to visit your doctor so he can determine the cause. This is going to be essential to finding out what treatment can be used to stop this hair loss. There are many aspects that the doctor will consider before giving you an answer. For one, he will make sure there are no illnesses that you are suffering from that are causing the loss of hair. Once you start researching, you will find that there are many causes that could be contributing to your hair loss. Stress is one aspect that can cause excessive hair loss. A serious trauma can cause this problem as well. A pregnancy can cause hair loss. Something as simple as ringworm is another reason for losing hair. Thyroid problems are another. Crash diets can cause you to lose significant amounts of hair. Menopause can cause hair loss for women. So, as you can see, there are many reasons that excessive hair can be lost. That is why it is so important to find out the exact cause before trying to treat this problem. We suggest that you get a consultation with one of our GLOJAS Doctors who are experts in their field to identify the right treatment your body needs to achieve your goal. GLOJAS Hair Specialist Clinic provides the best solution-oriented hair transplant with our specialist doctors experts in their fields, treating all of our patients with honest, trustworthy, ethical, and equal service of the highest quality, meeting all the required national and international standards.

Benefits of SMART PRP for Hair Loss


Hair loss is a prevalent concern impacting millions worldwide, often causing a dent in confidence and self-esteem. As an innovative solution, SMART™ Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) has emerged, promising a natural and effective alternative to more invasive treatments. In this exploration, we delve into the science behind SMART™ PRP and its potential as a game-changer in the battle against hair thinning. SMART™ Platelet-Rich Plasma (SMART™ PRP) SMART™ Platelet-Rich Plasma, exclusive to GLOJAS, is a cutting-edge treatment utilizing the body’s natural healing mechanisms to promote hair growth. The procedure involves drawing a small blood sample, centrifuging it to extract platelet-rich plasma, and injecting the concentrated SMART™ PRP into the scalp. Rich in growth factors and proteins, platelets play a pivotal role in tissue repair and regeneration. The Science Behind SMART™ Platelet-Rich Plasma for Hair Loss PRP therapy capitalizes on platelets’ ability to stimulate hair follicles, extend the hair growth phase, and induce new hair follicle formation. Growth factors in PRP promote angiogenesis, fostering the formation of new blood vessels around hair follicles, delivering essential nutrients and oxygen. Additionally, SMART™ PRP aids in reducing inflammation, a known contributor to hair loss. Advantages of SMART™ Platelet-Rich Plasma for Hair Loss SMART™ PRP therapy presents a non-invasive and promising solution for addressing hair loss. By leveraging the regenerative properties of platelets from a patient’s own blood, SMART™ PRP stimulates hair follicles, encourages cellular rejuvenation, and enhances blood circulation to the scalp. Administered through micro-injections,    SMART™ PRP releases growth factors initiating natural hair growth, slowing down hair loss progression. This innovative treatment is a safe, minimally discomforting option for countering hair thinning, pattern baldness, and utilizing the body’s innate healing mechanisms for hair restoration. Incorporating SMART™ Platelet-Rich Plasma into Your Hair Loss Regimen For those considering SMART™ PRP therapy, consulting with GLOJAS experts is crucial. A personalized treatment plan, considering individual conditions and needs, typically involves sessions spaced several weeks apart to achieve optimal results. SMART™ Platelet-Rich Plasma therapy signifies a groundbreaking advancement in hair restoration. By tapping into the body’s natural healing mechanisms, it offers a safe and effective solution for individuals grappling with hair loss. As scientific exploration continues, SMART™ PRP therapy holds promise not only for hair restoration but also for rejuvenating self-confidence in those experiencing thinning hair. If you seek a natural and minimally invasive approach to hair restoration, SMART™ PRP therapy could be the transformative solution you’ve been searching for. Connect with GLOJAS today for a comprehensive consultation.