4 Reasons Why Scalp Micropigmentation Is Ideal Solution


Are you suffering from alopecia or having baldness? Having increased hair loss? Scalp micropigmentation at GLOJAS offers you the remedy of hair loss. It is completely harmless and performed by a special team of experts equipped with the latest technologies of special needles and ink. It performs evenly irrespective of gender, color, age or skin. The team first analyzes perfectly and then applies the technique for better results.   GLOJAS Offering Top Level Scalp Micropigmentation   GLOJAS, a credible scalp micropigmentation treatment provider, has proved to be a winning move for individuals experiencing receding hairlines, untimely hair loss, scars, baldness and thinning hair. The coveted scalp micropigmentation treatment provider has gained mainstream acceptance thanks to its customer minded approach, intimacy with scalp micropigmentation treatment methodologies, state of the art equipment and committed workforce.   With the intent to offer insight into the services on offer, one of the executives at GLOJAS recently stated, “We are a non-invasive, medical grade application technique that involves deposition of pigment into the deep layer of the epidermis skin on the scalp. Most Malaysians may be new to this groundbreaking technology, but not us. We have extensive experience in scalp micropigmentation and leveraging upon which, we can deliver top quality hair density treatments for men and women alike.”   Concealment of transplantation errors: Scalp micropigmentation hides the errors caused due to surgeries of hair transplantation. Solution for thinning of hair: The hairlines after Scalp micropigmentation will leave no mark of baldness. It doesn’t harm the natural follicles and imitates the hair stubble in balding spots. Remedy for Alopecia: It is a perfect remedy for the balding spots in the patients suffering from Alopecia. Alopecia patients suffer the most when the patchy bald spots show up everywhere in the head. Rejuvenating confidence: People will find new confidence within themselves after the application of this innovative technique of hair solution.   Males and females suffer from severe stress and unease in the current conditions where poor nutrition and deficiencies are the greater reasons for hair loss. Scalp Micropigmentation at GLOJAS is the newfound solution for the people having the hair problems.  Now nobody needs to feel shy and can have fun by socializing with others at parties or gatherings. It is untraceable unlike a tattoo and looks natural. It helps one to flaunt their heads in style and move confidently.

Finasteride for Hair Loss


In a world where appearances matter more than ever, hair loss can be a real blow to one’s self-esteem. Finasteride for hair loss. Whether you’re a man or a woman, witnessing your once-luscious locks thinning and receding can be distressing. Thankfully, the journey to restoring your crowning glory has been revolutionized by medical advancements, and at the forefront of this hair restoration movement lies Finasteride. This wonder drug has gained significant attention for its ability to combat hair loss and promote hair regrowth, offering a glimmer of hope to millions worldwide.   Before diving into the remarkable benefits of Finasteride, it’s essential to grasp the underlying causes of hair loss. Medically termed as androgenetic alopecia, hair loss is primarily influenced by hormones and genetic factors. An androgen hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT) wreaks havoc on hair follicles, causing them to shrink and produce progressively thinner hair strands. This leads to a condition commonly known as male or female pattern baldness.   Enter Finasteride, a game-changer in the realm of hair restoration. Originally developed to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), Finasteride was unexpectedly found to possess hair-preserving properties. This medication belongs to a class of drugs known as 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors, which effectively block the conversion of testosterone into DHT.   By reducing DHT levels in the scalp, Finasteride puts a halt to the relentless attack on hair follicles, preventing further hair loss. Moreover, clinical trials and real-world evidence have shown that Finasteride can stimulate hair regrowth in many individuals, offering a glimmer of hope to those who felt all was lost.   At the cellular level, Finasteride inhibits the action of the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase, which is responsible for converting testosterone to DHT. This hormonal manipulation creates a more favorable environment for hair follicles to thrive, increasing their size and promoting thicker hair growth.   It’s important to note that while Finasteride can be a powerful tool in hair restoration, it is most effective for those experiencing male or female pattern baldness. Other types of hair loss caused by factors like stress, nutritional deficiencies, or autoimmune conditions may require alternative treatment approaches.   With countless success stories echoing through the online hair loss community, it’s evident that Finasteride has been transformative for many individuals. Men and women who had almost given up on their hair regrowth journey have seen remarkable results after incorporating Finasteride into their daily routine. From thicker, fuller hair to regained confidence and self-assurance, Finasteride has been a life-changing discovery for many.   However, as with any medical treatment, individual responses can vary. It’s essential to manage expectations and recognize that results may differ from person to person. Consulting a qualified healthcare professional before starting Finasteride is crucial, as they can provide personalized advice and monitor any potential side effects.   Combination Therapies   While Finasteride has proven to be highly effective on its own, combining it with other hair restoration approaches can yield even more impressive results. Many experts recommend pairing Finasteride with minoxidil, a topical solution that promotes hair growth, to create a potent duo. This combination approach not only tackles hair loss from different angles but also enhances the likelihood of significant regrowth.   Patience and Persistence   Patience and persistence are key virtues when embarking on a Finasteride-assisted hair restoration journey. While some individuals may witness visible improvements within a few months, others might require up to a year or more to see substantial changes. It’s essential to stay committed to the treatment plan, taking the prescribed dosage consistently and following medical advice.   Potential Side Effects   As with any medication, Finasteride may cause side effects in some individuals. While most people tolerate it well, some may experience minor issues such as mild headaches or gastrointestinal discomfort. In rare cases, sexual side effects have been reported, including decreased libido or erectile dysfunction. However, these effects typically resolve upon discontinuing the medication. It’s crucial to discuss any concerns or side effects with your healthcare provider, as they can provide guidance and support throughout your journey.   Finasteride has emerged as a shining beacon of hope for those struggling with hair loss. With its ability to halt hair thinning, promote regrowth, and restore confidence, this medication has transformed lives worldwide. While individual responses may vary, the success stories are undeniable. So, if you’re yearning to reclaim your lost mane, consulting a healthcare professional about the potential benefits of Finasteride could be your first step towards a future filled with luscious locks and renewed self-assurance. Remember, the road to hair restoration may have its twists and turns, but with patience, persistence, and the power of Finasteride, you’re well on your way to a head of hair that’ll turn heads everywhere you go.   At Glojas, we welcome clients to reach out to us directly to schedule a free initial consultation. We offer guidance and valuable insights on how best to address your specific challenges. Let us assist you in navigating your journey with confidence and clarity.

Is Post-Covid Hair Loss a Result of Illness-Related Stress?


The aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic has left many grappling with various challenges, both physical and mental. Beyond the respiratory impact of the virus, a surprising side effect is emerging: hair loss. While this can be distressing, it’s crucial to understand that the virus itself may not be the direct cause. Instead, researchers are exploring the possibility that post-COVID hair loss is linked to the stress associated with the illness. The Complex Relationship between COVID-19 and Hair Loss Hair loss post-COVID is increasingly reported among both men and women. This condition, known as telogen effluvium, is a form of temporary hair loss triggered by a shock to the system. Although the precise mechanisms are not fully elucidated, there is a growing belief that the stress endured during a severe illness like COVID-19 could be the catalyst. Understanding Telogen Effluvium Telogen effluvium involves a significant number of hair follicles prematurely entering the telogen (resting) phase of the hair growth cycle, leading to excessive hair shedding. Typically, only 10 to 15 percent of hair follicles are in the telogen phase at any given time. However, during telogen effluvium, a larger percentage synchronously enters this phase, causing noticeable hair loss during routine activities such as washing or brushing. Stress’s Role in Hair Loss Stress has long been acknowledged for its impact on overall health, including hair health. The connection between stress and hair loss lies in the hormonal changes triggered by stress. Intense stress prompts the body to produce higher levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. Elevated cortisol levels can disrupt the normal hair growth cycle, pushing more follicles into the resting phase. The “Long Haulers” Phenomenon Some COVID-19 survivors, often referred to as “long haulers,” continue to experience hair loss beyond the acute phase of the illness. Even after testing negative for the virus, persistent symptoms suggest that ongoing stress and inflammation may be responsible for prolonged hair loss. Managing Hair Loss and Alleviating Stress If you’re facing hair loss post-COVID, it’s important to recognize that this condition is typically temporary, and regrowth is likely over time. Consider the following steps to promote hair health and reduce stress: Practice Stress-Relief Techniques: Engage in activities like meditation, yoga, deep breathing, or spending time in nature to lower cortisol levels and alleviate stress impact on your hair. Maintain a Balanced Diet: Ensure your diet includes essential nutrients for healthy hair growth, such as protein, iron, zinc, vitamins A and C, and omega-3 fatty acids. Be Gentle with Your Hair: Avoid tight hairstyles and excessive heat or chemical treatments. Treat your hair gently and use mild hair care products. Seek Professional Help: If concerned, consult a dermatologist or trichologist specializing in hair and scalp health for personalized advice and treatment options. Experiencing hair loss after a COVID-19 illness can be unsettling, but remember, it’s often temporary. By addressing stress levels and adopting a healthy lifestyle, you can support your body’s recovery and encourage hair regrowth. Seek professional help if needed, and practice patience and self-care during this challenging time.

What is Alopecia Areata?


Alopecia is the medical term of hair loss on the human head or the body. Alopecia is often incorporated with another word to show a specific definition. For example: “Alopecia Areata” which means “hair loss in areas”. Alopecia areata is a human condition that varies from moderate to severe. Medical studies show that Alopecia can occur to other parts of the body too. Alopecia areata targets both male and female. Alopecia areata is a condition that causes open patches on the human scalp or body. More and more medical specialists found out that this disease is due to auto immune deficiency wherein white blood cells from the immune system attack the hair follicles and block them from producing more hair. Alopecia areata can also be associated with other autoimmune diseases such as thyroid diseases, allergic conditions and of among others. These diseases can surely be one of the main reasons why the body’s own immune system attacks the hair follicles which causes the production of hair to deteriorate. In some medical interventions, Alopecia areata can be inherited within the family member thus, genetics, aging and malnutrition play a major role in such patchy hair loss condition. Dermatologists are informing patients that Alopecia areata cannot be predicted and not contagious. This disease can inevitably affect adults, teens or even innocent children. However, this can also affect much older people and it is still rare in infants and toddlers. Excessive loss of hair makes a big change in human lives, affecting one’s inner being, inflicting them emotionally and socially therefore, accurate and precise diagnosis can absolutely lessen the burden and hassle they happen to feel during this upsetting condition. In many cases of Alopecia Areata, hair can grow back but eventually falls out again later while others grow hair and remain. Chances are, hair can ultimately grow back whenever an individual loses his or her hair. There are abundant support organizations that focus more on this condition that can affect a person psychologically. Further information and assistance will greatly benefit a patient and a brief visit to a medical specialist is worthy. You need to focus on proper treatment and use Alopecia Areata treatment at GLOJAS that will provide you complete peace of mind and solution. Choosing the best one is an important decision to make. Alopecia Areata treatment at GLOJAS is an ideal treatment that will surely provide your hair better care and precise solutions to get rid of all problems. Remember, you must choose the right treatment and the best decision for your hair. 

Do’s and Don’ts of Healthy Hair Care at Home


Dreaming of thick, long, and vibrant hair? Achieving the hair of your dreams is within reach with the right care routine. Healthy hair exudes strength, silkiness, and smoothness, contributing to boosted confidence and an enhanced overall appearance. Dive into the world of effective hair care with these do’s and don’ts, and get ready to showcase your beautiful locks with pride. The Basics of Healthy Hair Care Maintaining healthy hair doesn’t require complex rituals. Simple adjustments to your daily routine can make a world of difference. Discover the proven methods to keep your hair in excellent condition: Do’s Massage the Scalp for Circulation: Enhance blood circulation, prevent hair loss, and detoxify the scalp by massaging while shampooing. Gently Towel Dry Before Conditioning: Allow the conditioner to penetrate the hair shaft by gently towel drying after shampooing. Rinse and Condition with Cold Water: Seal in moisture and maintain hair strength by rinsing and conditioning with cold water. Use Coconut Oil for Moisture: Combat dryness with the effective moisturizing properties of coconut oil. Don’ts Avoid Hot Water for Washing: Hot water can dry out hair, cause tangles, and lead to breakage and hair loss. Say No to Sulphate Shampoos: Opt for sulphate-free shampoos to prevent excessive hair loss and breakage. Avoid Conditioning the Roots: Concentrate on the ends to maintain a moisture balance without causing excess oil production. 9 Tips for Better Hair Growth For those aspiring to better and healthier hair growth, consider these straightforward tips: Wait for Dry Hair Before Brushing: Brushing wet hair can lead to breakage, so wait until your hair is dry. Minimize Heat Styling: Protect your hair from damage by using heat protectant sprays before styling. Regular Conditioning: Combat frizz and maintain healthy hair by using a moisturizing conditioner after shampooing. Choose Satin Pillow Covers: Reduce hair breakage caused by friction by sleeping on satin pillow covers. Use the Right Brush: Select a suitable brush that spreads natural oils without causing breakage, avoiding plastic brushes. Maintain a Healthy Diet: Focus on a diet rich in iron, vitamins, and proteins for healthy hair growth. Avoid Tight Hair Ties: Opt for looser hairstyles to prevent damage and breakage. Use Coconut Oil for Moisture: Daily use of coconut oil can moisturize dry hair without feeling greasy. Avoid Hot Water: Stick to lukewarm or cold water to prevent stripping protective oils and making hair dry and fragile. Understanding Stress and Its Impact on Hair Health Stress can cast a shadow on hair health, leading to various forms of hair loss. Extra hormones produced during stressful periods impact hair follicle growth patterns on the scalp. Combat stress-related hair loss with sufficient sleep, a balanced diet, exercise, meditation, and seeking support from friends or professionals. Conclusion: Prioritize Your Hair Health Just as you prioritize physical and mental well-being, your hair health deserves attention. Incorporate these tips into your routine to nurture your hair, ensuring it remains one of your most valuable assets. Remember, hair loss due to stress is temporary and reversible. Reduce stress and practice good hair care for stronger, healthier, and more beautiful hair. Stay informed about more hair care tips by subscribing to our newsletter for valuable information at your convenience. Your journey to healthier locks begins now!

Hairstyles for Balding Men (Yes, It is Possible)


Experiencing hair loss is a shared journey for many individuals, with around 50 million men in Malaysia facing Androgenetic Alopecia, commonly known as genetic hair loss. While addressing the genetic causes requires comprehensive measures, selecting a flattering hairstyle can be a powerful tool to enhance one’s appearance and boost confidence during the process. Choosing the Right Hairstyle Strategy When dealing with thinning hair, opting for shorter hairstyles is often more effective, as longer hair can inadvertently draw attention to problem areas. Additionally, experimenting with facial hair, such as a stylish handlebar mustache, can divert attention, creating a balanced and appealing look. Five Hairstyles Options for Thinning Hair If you’re in search of a hairstyle that minimizes the appearance of thinning hair, consider these five options: Clean Shaven: The Clean-Shaven look is a straightforward and bold option. Regularly shaving your head provides a distinguished and easy-to-maintain appearance. However, it’s essential to consider this option carefully, especially if you are just beginning to experience hair loss. Buzz Cut: Offering a clean and neat style, the Buzz Cut is a less extreme option than a full shave. This style shifts focus away from thinning hair towards the face, making it an ideal choice for men with receding hairlines or thinning crowns. Achievable at home with a simple hair trimmer, it may be less flattering if hair continues to recede rapidly. Crew Cut: The Crew Cut involves shorter sides and longer hair on top, creating the illusion of thickness. Suitable for various types of balding, including receding hairlines and crown thinning, it’s advisable to have a professional stylist execute this cut for optimal results. High and Tight: Contrary to popular belief, the High and Tight is not limited to the military; it’s a variation of the crew cut. Featuring shaved back and sides that blend or fade into the top hair, this style complements facial hair but may not suit those seeking a more edgy, modern look. Faux Hawk: For those desiring a more edgy and youthful appearance, the Faux Hawk is an excellent choice. By diverting attention from the forehead and hair thinning, it offers a unique style. However, it may require the use of hair products to maintain the hawk shape. The Limitations of Hairstyles in Progressive Hair Loss While a well-chosen hairstyle can effectively mask thinning hair and boost confidence, it’s crucial to acknowledge that no hairstyle can fully conceal progressive hair loss. If you are ready to explore hair restoration options or protect your existing hair, GLOJAS specialists can provide personalized assistance. Schedule a consultation to initiate the development of a customized hair restoration plan tailored to your unique needs.

Are Hair Products/ Treatments Really Work?


Hair loss is a common problem that most of us face in our life, sooner or later. It is something that causes the worst nightmares to many people, both male and female. Treatment or Products for hair problems are a big concern for all of us because it is not only the loss of a few components of our body, but it is also about losing a vital element of our identity. The market today is stuffed with various products for hair regrowth. All you need to do is find out the actual reason behind your hair fall and pick the right product that offers you the best possible solution. First of all, identify the trouble that is to say the problem with your health, hair and scalp. Then look for the best possible solutions you can offer for your hair as well as yourself. Let’s take a look at the solutions or products for hair loss, available out in the market Medicated Shampoo and Conditioner  Helps to remove infection and strengthen your hair. Stronger roots help to reduce hair loss. Scalp treatment shampoos or medicated shampoos and conditioners stimulate hair follicles that help the growth of new hair.   Hair Packs and Masks These are quite helpful products for hair problems. Masks or packs are used on a weekly or monthly basis following the instructions offered along with the product. It is a combination of nutrients made to feed the hair follicles that help to strengthen the shaft. Deep Conditioning Treatments Such treatments are done through hot oil massages and hair spa that are available at most of the salons. But you need to be sure that the treatment you are applying is right for your hair and scalp. Hair transplant It is a surgical procedure through which hair weaving is performed. It is a wonderful way to regain your hair and personality, but it’s the most expensive among all the treatments. There are also many additional types of products for hair loss such as prescription pills, vitamin tablets, growth stimulators, DHT inhibitors, anti, Hair Transplant androgens and Biotin to reduce hair fall and strengthen hairs from root to tip. Even a slight change in your lifestyle can do wonders. Fresh and healthy diet, regular exercise is the most easy way to have healthy hair while Hair Transplant is the permanent solution for hair loss.

Importance of the Hair Transplant Donor Area


Hair loss can significantly impact one’s self-esteem and confidence. Thankfully, advancements in medical science have given rise to hair transplantation, a revolutionary procedure that can restore a full head of hair. However, not all hair transplant procedures yield equally successful results. The key lies in understanding the critical role of the hair transplant donor area. This often overlooked aspect of hair transplantation is the foundation upon which a successful procedure is built. In this blog, we’ll delve into the importance of the hair transplant donor area and how it contributes to the overall success of the procedure. The donor area is a vital region located on the back and sides of the scalp where hair growth is usually resistant to pattern baldness. This region is chosen as the primary source of hair follicles for transplantation due to its genetically determined resilience against hair loss. Unlike hair in other areas, the hair in the donor area is not influenced by the hormone DHT (dihydrotestosterone), the main culprit behind male and female pattern baldness. Thus, hair from this region is genetically programmed to remain robust and grow throughout a person’s lifetime. One of the most intriguing aspects of the donor area is its ability to maintain its unique characteristics even when transplanted to other areas of the scalp. This phenomenon is known as “donor dominance.” When hair follicles from the donor area are carefully extracted and transplanted to the recipient area (where hair loss has occurred), they retain their genetic resistance to hair loss. As a result, these transplanted hairs continue to grow healthily, ensuring long-lasting and natural-looking results. A successful hair transplant heavily relies on the careful harvesting of hair from the donor area. The surgeon must skillfully extract individual hair follicles or small groups of follicles, known as follicular units, to ensure minimal damage and scarring. Techniques like Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) have revolutionized hair transplant procedures, making the process more precise and less invasive, while maximizing the donor area’s potential. While harvesting hair from the donor area, the surgeon must strike a delicate balance between obtaining enough grafts for transplantation and preserving the donor area’s density. Over-harvesting can lead to a thinning appearance in the donor area, making subsequent hair transplant procedures challenging or impossible. Skilled surgeons understand the importance of preserving the donor area’s density to ensure future transplant options if needed. A successful hair transplant not only addresses hair loss but also aims for a natural and aesthetically pleasing hairline. The surgeon must consider factors like hair density, texture, and color while transplanting hair from the donor area to the recipient area. By carefully selecting the right hair follicles, the surgeon can create a seamless transition between the transplanted and existing hair, providing an undetectable, natural-looking result. For some individuals with limited donor area availability, exploring alternative sources of hair follicles may become necessary. Advanced techniques, such as body hair transplantation, allow the surgeon to use hair from other parts of the body, like the chest or beard, to supplement the donor area. While body hair transplantation presents unique challenges, it offers hope to those with limited scalp donor hair. Advancements in technology continue to revolutionize hair transplantation. Robotic-assisted FUE, for instance, enhances the precision of harvesting hair follicles from the donor area, reducing the risk of damage and ensuring a higher survival rate of transplanted hair. Additionally, Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy has shown promising results in promoting hair growth and enhancing the donor area’s health before and after transplantation. The hair transplant donor area is the backbone of successful hair restoration procedures. Its genetically resistant and healthy hair follicles ensure long-lasting, natural-looking results that can transform the lives of individuals struggling with hair loss. Skilled surgeons with a deep understanding of donor dominance and meticulous harvesting techniques play a crucial role in preserving and maximizing the donor area’s potential. As technology continues to advance, the future of hair transplantation looks brighter, offering hope to countless individuals seeking to regain their confidence and reclaim their full head of hair. At Glojas, we welcome clients to reach out to us directly to schedule a free initial consultation. We offer guidance and valuable insights on how best to address your specific challenges. Let us assist you in navigating your journey with confidence and clarity.

What is a Micrografting?


In the world of cosmetic enhancements, hair restoration has always been a hot topic, and for a good reason. Hair loss can significantly impact one’s self-esteem and confidence. While various methods have been explored over the years, micrografting has emerged as a revolutionary technique, providing a natural and long-lasting solution to the age-old problem of thinning hair. Micrografting, also known as micro hair transplantation, is an advanced hair restoration procedure that involves the precise transplantation of individual hair follicles onto areas experiencing hair thinning or balding. Unlike traditional hair transplantation, where larger grafts are used, micrografting employs much smaller grafts, each containing only one to three hair follicles. This meticulous approach ensures a more natural-looking hairline and greater density, making it virtually impossible to distinguish the transplanted hair from the patient’s existing hair. The micrografting procedure begins with an initial consultation with a skilled and experienced hair restoration specialist. During this session, the patient’s hair loss pattern, medical history, and aesthetic goals are thoroughly assessed. Once the patient is deemed a suitable candidate, the actual procedure can be scheduled. On the day of the procedure, the patient is made comfortable, and local anesthesia is administered to minimize any discomfort. The surgeon then meticulously extracts individual hair follicles from the donor area, usually located at the back or sides of the head, known for their resistance to the balding process. These tiny grafts are carefully harvested using specialized instruments to ensure their viability. The success of micrografting lies not only in the technical precision but also in the surgeon’s artistic vision. The surgeon must strategically place each hair follicle in a way that mimics the natural growth pattern, direction, and density of the patient’s original hairline. This attention to detail is what sets micrografting apart from other hair restoration techniques. By working with such small grafts, the surgeon can create a seamless blend between the existing hair and the transplanted follicles. As a result, the patient can enjoy a head full of hair that looks and feels entirely natural. One of the most appealing aspects of micrografting is the remarkably natural-looking results it offers. Gone are the days of obvious “pluggy” hair transplants; micrografting allows patients to sport their new hair with confidence, knowing that no one will suspect it’s anything other than their own. Additionally, the recovery period after micrografting is relatively quick. Patients can usually resume their daily activities within a few days, and the transplanted hair will begin to grow gradually, blending seamlessly with the existing hair over time. Micrografting is not limited to treating male pattern baldness alone; it can be an effective solution for various hair loss conditions. Women experiencing hair thinning, receding hairlines, or even those looking to restore their eyebrows can benefit from this innovative procedure. Furthermore, micrografting is a viable option for individuals with limited donor hair availability. Since each graft only contains a small number of hair follicles, the surgeon can maximize the use of available donor hair to achieve the desired results. In conclusion, micrografting has revolutionized the field of hair restoration, offering a cutting-edge solution to those seeking natural-looking and long-lasting results. Through its meticulous and artistic approach, micrografting has given countless individuals the opportunity to regain their confidence and enjoy a fuller head of hair. As technology continues to advance, we can only anticipate even more remarkable innovations in the field of hair restoration, ensuring that the journey to reclaiming one’s crowning glory becomes even more accessible and rewarding for everyone. At Glojas, we welcome clients to reach out to us directly to schedule a free initial consultation. We offer guidance and valuable insights on how best to address your specific challenges. Let us assist you in navigating your journey with confidence and clarity.

Things That Affect The Cost Of Hair Transplant


The best answer for hair loss is not found in gels, creams or cleansers that guarantee thick and strong quickly. What you really need is a technique that will help you see the real and permanent outcomes within a few months. Yes! You guessed it right, Hair Transplant at GLOJAS can offer you permanent results. However, you’ll find many people asking the cost of hair transplant. Transplant costs fluctuate from various cosmetic centers and doctor’s facilities. Some of the time, you need to meet the specialist to get the exact amount of money you’ll have to deposit for the treatment. In some cases, medicines and certain additional items are highly uncontrollable and this makes your bill higher than the usual. So, you should go through the info provided here to get a better idea on what’s to expect from cost of hair transplant Location Of The Clinic can profoundly influence the expense of your transplant procedure. If you had your surgery done in a prestigious facility, then you should expect that it will request a higher payment, but results will be better also.  Fee Of The Surgeon. The more the surgeon is recognized in the hair transplant field, the higher the expert charges are asked from you. This applies to all surgeons, incidentally. Since they are as of now tested by numerous patients, you will be totally guaranteed of the best outcomes from the procedure.   Consult for FREE at GLOJAS Hair Specialist Clinic. We provide the best solution-oriented hair transplant with our specialist doctors experts in their fields, treating all of our patients with honest, trustworthy, ethical, and equal service of the highest quality, meeting all the required national and international standards.