
How Much Should I Pay For A Hair Transplant?

This is an important question that comes to the mind of most hair loss patients. Thinking about cost is not wrong since it is quite natural if one desires to make an affordable deal. However, things are different when you are looking for a hair specialist. While you get the treatment for any health issue, it means you need perfect results and you have to pay for the same. Obviously, it is not like buying your new car or dress. This is the matter of your health and if we talk about hair transplant, your look is also involved in the decision-making process. Conclusively, you have to consider the quality and safety before cost to make a good decision. 


Are cheap clinics disadvantageous? This is not a rule. Maybe you find a cheap and effective clinic but your aim should be quality treatment but not cheap treatment. While a clinic makes a claim to provide a cheap cost, you have to ask about other facilities they provide. Moreover, an extremely cheap cost is suspicious. Can you get gold at the price of bronze? Of course not! Thus, affordability is OK but you cannot rely on impractical claims. While you try to find out a clinic for hair loss treatment, you need to consider the following cost factors as well.


The bald area on the scalp. A larger area on the scalp clearly indicates that you will get your treatment at a higher cost. Similarly, only a restoring hairline will be comparatively cheaper for the patient. You have to pay for every graft and every graft will increase the total cost after the treatment. Therefore, the surgeon has to count the grafts to determine the full cost. 


A more experienced and qualified surgeon will ask for more bucks after the treatment. If you reside in a metro city, the clinics in your city will be costlier for you. Clinics in a small city are comparatively cheaper. Your medicated shampoo, lotion, antibiotics, and other medicines might increase your bill after the treatment. 

Sub-procedures. Sometimes, the surgeon performs treatments like PRP to increase the effectiveness of the hair transplant surgery. Surely, PRP will increase the total cost. As you see, hair loss clinics have to consider several factors to determine the final cost. Different affordable clinics provide different offers to cut the total cost including low-interest rates, installments, seasonal offers, reduced fees for the initial consultation, free consultation on a specific day in a week, etc.


 If you want a reasonable cost for a hair transplant the GLOJAS Hair Specialist Clinic can fulfill your objectives. GLOJAS Hair Specialist clinic has developed a team of doctors and experts who have full mastery of hair transplants and other cosmetic procedures.