Top 5 Skin Treatments for This Rainy Season

Rainy season is here and so is the fear of dealing with problems related to skin. Are you afraid of wearing a bathing suit or a swimsuit that would show your body? Then you must be having some skin issue, like, scars, excess body hair, and acne, discoloration and/or skin pigmentation. However, in this rainy season, there is no need to fear uncovering your skin. Make your skin healthy and flawless and get it prepared for tank tops, short dresses, bathing suits, swimsuits and short skirts by using various expert GLOJAS dermatologists recommended skin treatments.

If a few sections of your body, for example, face, neck, arms or bosom looks darker when compared to your remaining body parts, then you may conceal your body parts rather than uncovering them by wearing sleeveless shirts or tank tops. In the event you cherish getting drenched in the rain, then the face and the fragile skin of your exposed body will most likely pick up attention by indicating sun damaged skin, also impacts of smoking and alcohol consumption.

The acne usually occurs on the face, but in a few people it might develop on the shoulders and back. So if a back acne is preventing you from uncovering your beautiful shoulders this monsoon, trust us that you are not the only one troubled by this problem. The way to manage the issue of back acne is caring prevention. The cure depends on the type of acne your body has developed.


  • Females generally experience the ill effects of the stretch marks because of pregnancy or loss of weight. The utilization of creams and gels won’t help in this problem. Instead of wasting your time and money on such overrated creams, it is ideal to go for a skin treatment  that can help you to remove the stretch marks.

One of the most challenging problems that arise during the monsoon season, which keeps you from wearing revealing and trendy outfits, is the body hair, which returns quite quickly even after waxing or shaving on a regular basis. So this rainy season says farewell to your body hair for good with the help of laser hair removal . With laser hair removal, you can remove hair from different parts of your body. This treatment provides a silky smooth and glowing skin which you can reveal confidently.

Numerous things can give your body ugly scars, like, burn, wound, injury, acne or harsh activities and so on. This keeps you away from flaunting your gorgeous body. You can visit a dermatologist and get suitable treatment. Consult with us for FREE today!