Scalp Psoriasis

What Is Scalp Psoriasis?

Scalp psoriasis, a chronic skin condition affecting millions globally, poses both physical discomfort and emotional stress. In this comprehensive discussion, we will delve into what it entails, exploring its causes, symptoms, and available treatment options.

Understanding Scalp Psoriasis

A specific type of psoriasis, involves the chronic autoimmune disorder characterized by the rapid buildup of skin cells. While a healthy individual experiences a natural skin cell growth cycle over a month, psoriasis accelerates this process. The result is the formation of thick, scaly, and itchy patches on the skin, specifically targeting the scalp.


The precise cause of psoriasis, including its manifestation on the scalp, remains elusive. However, it is widely acknowledged to be a complex interplay of genetic and environmental factors. Common triggers and risk factors associated with scalp psoriasis encompass:

  1. Genetics: Family history significantly increases the risk, with certain genes implicated in its development.
  2. Immune System Dysfunction: An overactive immune system attacks healthy skin cells, triggering the rapid turnover seen in psoriasis.
  3. Stress: Elevated stress levels correlate with the onset and exacerbation of psoriasis symptoms, including those on the scalp.
  4. Infections and Injuries: Infections like streptococcal throat infections and scalp injuries can provoke or worsen.
  5. Medications: Certain drugs, including lithium, beta-blockers, and antimalarial medications, are known to exacerbate psoriasis symptoms.


Scalp psoriasis manifests in diverse ways, with varying severity among individuals. Common symptoms include:

  1. Reddish patches: Skin patches covered with silvery scales or plaques.
  2. Itching and burning: Intense itching and discomfort often lead to scratching, exacerbating the condition.
  3. Flaking: Flakes resembling dandruff appear on the scalp, shoulders, and clothing.
  4. Hair loss: Severe cases may result in temporary hair loss, with regrowth typically occurring post-treatment.
  5. Dryness and cracking: Affected skin becomes dry, leading to cracking and, in severe cases, bleeding.


While there is no outright cure, numerous treatment options can effectively manage symptoms and enhance the quality of life for those affected. These treatments encompass:

  1. Topical Treatments: Creams, ointments, and shampoos containing corticosteroids, coal tar, salicylic acid, or calcineurin inhibitors effectively reduce inflammation and scaling.
  2. Phototherapy: Controlled exposure to natural or artificial ultraviolet (UV) light slows down skin cell turnover.
  3. Oral Medications: In severe cases, immune system-suppressing medications like methotrexate, cyclosporine, or biologics may be prescribed.
  4. Lifestyle Changes: Stress management, a healthy diet, and avoidance of triggers like alcohol and smoking helps.

Scalp psoriasis presents a challenging management scenario, but with the right approach and treatment, individuals can find relief from its symptoms and improve their quality of life. If suspecting scalp psoriasis, consulting a dermatologist for an accurate diagnosis and a tailored treatment plan is crucial. While a cure may be elusive, it is manageable, allowing individuals to lead fulfilling lives with proper care and attention.