What is a Hair Graft?

If you are going to have a hair transplant, you must have a clear understanding of hair grafts. Usually, hair loss experts select hair follicular units from the donor areas. These units may contain 1 to 4 single hairs. In technical terms, we call these follicular units hair grafts. A surgeon needs a high level of efficiency, technical expertise, and tools to remove hair grafts from the donor area. Your Hair specialist is expected to remove hair grafts from the donor site with the help of two main techniques called follicular unit transplant and follicular unit extraction. 

Male pattern baldness, the most common type of baldness, is a serious scalp issue to removes the hair follicles forever. If you are facing a receding hairline and hair thinning on the temporal region, it is confirmed that you are a victim of male pattern baldness or genetic baldness. As a patient with genetic hair loss, you require the proper assistance of a trained hair doctor. Trained and experienced hair loss specialists usually treat hair loss patients with the use of hair transplant surgery. 

Hair transplant is known to remove hair from one place to another on your scalp. Before the surgery, the surgeon is going to check your scalp thoroughly. If you prove your candidacy, you are ready to have this amazing treatment. The procedure of hair transplant is a surgical treatment that is performed by removing healthy and baldness-resistant hairs from the back and both sides and transplanting them onto the bald scalp. Plastic surgeons and dermatologists usually perform this surgery. 

The hair transplant expert borrows hair grafts from the scalp or other areas of the body. These areas are called donor sites. The hair graft is moved to the bald scalp where they are supposed to grow with full strength and density. Follicular unit transplant or FUT. In this technique, the expert will remove a strip of skin from the donor site. After that, the expert harvests healthy hair grafts from the strip and transplants them to the bald scalp. Follicular unit extraction or FUE In this technique, the doctor will remove the hair follicular units directly from the donor site without removing a strip of skin. 

To get successful results, the surgeon should be able to keep the hair grafts safe during the surgery. It is a tough task and the following factors affect the survival rate of hair grafts. Keeping the hair grafts in an extremely cold environment will slow down the rate of damage. Experts keep hair grafts in a saline solution to increase the survival rate. Hair grafts need oxygen. Thus, they will not survive without oxygen for a long time. If you want proper hair loss treatment, you have to look at the success rate of the Hair Clinic like GLOJAS Hair Specialist Clinic.