What’s a DHT and What Does it Do?


Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is a natural hormone intricately involved in the development and functioning of the human body. Present in both men and women, it holds a more pronounced influence in males, stemming from its derivation from testosterone. This article explores the multifaceted aspects of DHT, its formation, and its impact on various bodily functions. What’s a DHT? Dihydrotestosterone, commonly known as DHT, is a potent androgen hormone created when the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase converts testosterone. Primarily occurring in specific tissues like hair follicles, the prostate gland, and the skin, DHT takes center stage in the development of male sexual characteristics during puberty, including the growth of facial and body hair. The Role of DHT Hair Growth and Loss Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) plays a pivotal role in regulating hair growth, particularly on the scalp. While it stimulates the growth of facial and body hair in men, it can also contribute to hair loss. Individuals genetically predisposed to male pattern baldness experience increased sensitivity of hair follicles to DHT. This sensitivity results in the gradual shrinkage of follicles, leading to thinner, weaker hair strands and eventual hair loss. Prostate Health In the male reproductive system, Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is instrumental in the development and growth of the prostate gland. While essential for prostate growth during puberty, elevated DHT levels in adulthood can lead to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), a non-cancerous enlargement causing urinary problems. Sexual Health DHT plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy libido and overall sexual function in men. It contributes to the development of male sex organs during fetal development and continues to influence sexual desire and performance in adulthood. Acne Development Sebaceous glands produce skin oil to maintain moisture. Excessive DHT levels in some individuals can lead to overproduction of sebum, clogging pores and resulting in acne breakouts. DHT and Hair Loss DHT’s connection to hair loss lies in its impact on genetically predisposed individuals. Hair follicles on the scalp become sensitive to DHT, leading to androgenetic alopecia. Over time, affected follicles produce thinner and shorter hair, eventually causing complete hair loss in specific scalp areas. DHT is a vital hormone with diverse functions in the human body. While it contributes significantly to the development of male sexual characteristics and maintains sexual health, excessive levels can lead to issues like male pattern baldness and benign prostatic hyperplasia. Understanding DHT’s role empowers individuals to make informed health decisions and seek appropriate treatments. For personalized advice and treatment options, consulting with GLOJAS hair experts is essential for any hormone-related or medical concerns.

Connection Between HIV and Hair Loss


Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) affects millions globally, impacting not only the immune system but also presenting various physical symptoms, including hair loss. This comprehensive exploration delves into the intricate relationship between HIV and hair loss, shedding light on potential causes, types of associated hair loss, and available treatment options. HIV Overview HIV targets the immune system, specifically CD4 cells, essential in combating infections. As the virus replicates and diminishes these cells, the body’s defense weakens, rendering it susceptible to opportunistic infections and illnesses. Hair Loss in HIV Patients Hair loss, or alopecia, is a prevalent concern among those with HIV, occurring at different infection stages. While the precise mechanisms are not fully elucidated, several contributing factors can be identified. Immune System Suppression The weakened immune system in HIV patients is a primary contributor to hair loss. The virus’s assault on CD4 cells compromises the body’s defense mechanisms, potentially disrupting the normal hair growth cycle and leading to hair thinning and loss. Opportunistic Infections HIV-induced immune suppression leaves the body vulnerable to opportunistic infections. Fungal or bacterial scalp infections, stemming from these vulnerabilities, can directly impact hair follicles, resulting in hair loss. Medications Antiretroviral therapy (ART), the standard HIV treatment, may contribute to hair loss. Some ART medications have side effects that affect hair growth, though not universally experienced. Types of Hair Loss Associated with HIV Telogen Effluvium HIV can induce telogen effluvium, causing premature entry of hair follicles into the resting phase of the growth cycle. This leads to excessive shedding and hair thinning. Alopecia Areata Some HIV patients may develop alopecia areata, an autoimmune disorder causing patchy hair loss by immune system attacks on hair follicles. Androgenetic Alopecia Though not directly linked to HIV, androgenetic alopecia (pattern baldness) can be exacerbated by the virus and certain medications used in treatment. Treatment and Management A holistic approach is essential for addressing hair loss in HIV patients, involving: Antiretroviral Therapy Effective HIV treatment with appropriate medications improves the immune system, indirectly contributing to hair restoration. Topical Medications Topical treatments like minoxidil have shown positive results in stimulating hair growth for those experiencing androgenetic alopecia. Nutritional Support A balanced diet rich in essential nutrients supports overall hair health and growth, including vitamins A, C, E, B-complex, zinc, and iron. Psychological Support Coping with hair loss can be emotionally challenging. Providing emotional support and counseling is crucial for those facing this issue. Hair loss is a distressing symptom for some living with HIV, with a complex relationship tied to immune system suppression and opportunistic infections. As medical research progresses, hope emerges for improved treatments and management strategies for HIV-related hair loss. Understanding this intricate relationship fosters empathy and compassion while encouraging ongoing research for effective solutions for those living with the virus and grappling with hair loss.

What is a Hair Graft?


If you are going to have a hair transplant, you must have a clear understanding of hair grafts. Usually, hair loss experts select hair follicular units from the donor areas. These units may contain 1 to 4 single hairs. In technical terms, we call these follicular units hair grafts. A surgeon needs a high level of efficiency, technical expertise, and tools to remove hair grafts from the donor area. Your Hair specialist is expected to remove hair grafts from the donor site with the help of two main techniques called follicular unit transplant and follicular unit extraction.  Male pattern baldness, the most common type of baldness, is a serious scalp issue to removes the hair follicles forever. If you are facing a receding hairline and hair thinning on the temporal region, it is confirmed that you are a victim of male pattern baldness or genetic baldness. As a patient with genetic hair loss, you require the proper assistance of a trained hair doctor. Trained and experienced hair loss specialists usually treat hair loss patients with the use of hair transplant surgery.  Hair transplant is known to remove hair from one place to another on your scalp. Before the surgery, the surgeon is going to check your scalp thoroughly. If you prove your candidacy, you are ready to have this amazing treatment. The procedure of hair transplant is a surgical treatment that is performed by removing healthy and baldness-resistant hairs from the back and both sides and transplanting them onto the bald scalp. Plastic surgeons and dermatologists usually perform this surgery.  The hair transplant expert borrows hair grafts from the scalp or other areas of the body. These areas are called donor sites. The hair graft is moved to the bald scalp where they are supposed to grow with full strength and density. Follicular unit transplant or FUT. In this technique, the expert will remove a strip of skin from the donor site. After that, the expert harvests healthy hair grafts from the strip and transplants them to the bald scalp. Follicular unit extraction or FUE In this technique, the doctor will remove the hair follicular units directly from the donor site without removing a strip of skin.  To get successful results, the surgeon should be able to keep the hair grafts safe during the surgery. It is a tough task and the following factors affect the survival rate of hair grafts. Keeping the hair grafts in an extremely cold environment will slow down the rate of damage. Experts keep hair grafts in a saline solution to increase the survival rate. Hair grafts need oxygen. Thus, they will not survive without oxygen for a long time. If you want proper hair loss treatment, you have to look at the success rate of the Hair Clinic like GLOJAS Hair Specialist Clinic.

What is a Widow’s Peak?


A widow’s peak is a distinctive V-shaped hairline on the forehead that descends to a point in the middle of the forehead. This unique hair pattern has garnered its name from the similarity to the hoods worn by widows in mourning during the medieval period. Keep reading to learn more… Are Widow’s Peaks and Baldness the Same Thing? No, widow’s peaks and baldness are not the same thing. While both are related to hairlines, they have distinct differences. As mentioned, a widow’s peak is a unique and usually symmetrical V-shaped hairline in the center of the forehead. On the other hand, baldness, or androgenetic alopecia, refers to the gradual loss of hair on the scalp, leading to thinning or complete hair loss. Baldness typically occurs in specific patterns, such as receding hairline, crown balding, or overall thinning of the hair. Causes of Widow’s Peak The exact cause of a widow’s peak is believed to be influenced by genetic factors. If one or both of your parents have a widow’s peak, you have a higher chance of inheriting the trait. However, the specific genes responsible for this unique hairline are not well understood. How to Get Rid of Widow’s Peak For some individuals who feel self-conscious about their widow’s peak and wish to modify their hairline, one potential treatment option is SMART™ Follicular Unit Excision (SMART™ FUE) hair transplant, only available at GLOJAS. SMART™ FUE hair transplant is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that involves the removal of individual hair follicles from one area of the scalp (usually the back or sides) and their transplantation to the recipient area, in this case, the widow’s peak region. The procedure is carried out under local anesthesia, making it relatively comfortable for the patient. The SMART™ FUE hair transplant offers several advantages, including: Natural-looking results: The transplanted hair follicles blend seamlessly with your existing hair, providing a natural appearance. Minimally invasive: Unlike traditional hair transplant methods, FUE leaves tiny, barely noticeable scars and has a faster recovery time. Permanent solution: The transplanted hair follicles are resistant to the balding process, ensuring that your new hairline will last for a lifetime.   In conclusion, a widow’s peak is a unique hairline characterized by a V-shaped point in the middle of the forehead. It is a genetically influenced trait and should be celebrated as a distinctive feature rather than viewed as a flaw. A widow’s peak is not synonymous with baldness, as baldness refers to the gradual loss of hair on the scalp. However, for those considering modifying their hairline, a SMART™ FUE hair transplant can be an option. Consult with GLOJAS hair experts to find out more about widow’s peak! At Glojas, we welcome clients to reach out to us directly to schedule a free initial consultation. We offer guidance and valuable insights on how best to address your specific challenges. Let us assist you in navigating your journey with confidence and clarity.

Stem Cells for Hair


Hair loss is a common concern that affects millions of people worldwide. From hereditary factors to stress and environmental influences, there are numerous reasons why individuals experience thinning hair or baldness. However, advancements in medical research have shed light on the potential of stem cells for hair loss concerns effectively. What are Stem Cells? Stem cells are unique cells that possess the remarkable ability to develop into various specialized cell types, as well as self-renewal capacities. They are the building blocks of life and play a crucial role in the growth, repair, and regeneration of tissues and organs in the body. There are two main types of stem cells relevant to hair regeneration: embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells. Stem Cell Therapy for Hair Regeneration Stem cell therapy for hair regeneration is an innovative approach that harnesses the regenerative potential of stem cells to stimulate hair growth and reverse the effects of hair loss. The process involves harvesting stem cells from the patient’s own body or using stem cell derivatives from other sources, such as umbilical cord blood or adipose tissue. These stem cells are then processed and injected into the scalp, where they work their magic to rejuvenate hair follicles. Mechanisms of Action The success of stem cell therapy in hair regeneration lies in its ability to target the hair follicles, the tiny structures in the scalp responsible for hair growth. As people experience hair loss, hair follicles shrink and enter a dormant state, leading to the thinning or loss of hair. Stem cells, when introduced into the scalp, promote the production of growth factors and proteins that encourage hair follicle regeneration and reactivation. Additionally, stem cells have anti-inflammatory properties that can help create a healthier environment for hair growth. Benefits of Stem Cell Therapy for Hair Regeneration Natural and Safe: One of the key advantages of stem cell therapy is that it utilizes the patient’s cells or donor cells, minimizing the risk of rejection or adverse reactions. This makes it a safe and natural option for hair regeneration. Non-Invasive: Unlike traditional hair transplant procedures, stem cell therapy for hair regeneration is minimally invasive, involving simple injections without the need for incisions or stitches. Long-lasting Results: Stem cell therapy stimulates the growth of new hair follicles, leading to long-lasting results that promote natural hair growth patterns. No Scarring: Since the procedure is non-invasive, there is no scarring, making it a favorable option for those seeking a discreet solution for hair loss. The Current Status of Stem Cell Therapy for Hair Regeneration While the concept of stem cell therapy for hair regeneration is promising, it’s essential to acknowledge that research in this field is still ongoing. Clinical trials and studies are being conducted to further explore the safety, effectiveness, and long-term outcomes of this therapy. As of now, stem cell therapy for hair regeneration is considered an emerging treatment, and its availability may be limited to certain specialized clinics or regions. Stem cell therapy for hair regeneration holds immense potential as a revolutionary approach to combat hair loss and promote hair growth. While the research and development in this field continue, it’s essential to consult with qualified medical professionals to understand the available treatment options and make informed decisions. As scientific advancements pave the way for innovative solutions, the future of stem cell therapy in hair regeneration appears promising, offering hope to those seeking natural and effective remedies for their hair loss concerns. Want to learn more? Call us and get your free initial consultation with GLOJAS hair experts today. At Glojas, we welcome clients to reach out to us directly to schedule a free initial consultation. We offer guidance and valuable insights on how best to address your specific challenges. Let us assist you in navigating your journey with confidence and clarity.

7 Crucial Factors of Female Hair Loss


What are the crucial factors of female hair loss? Androgentic alopecia (hereditary hair loss) is the main cause of female pattern hair loss. It contributes to a slow decrease in scalp hair density. When testosterone turns into DHT, it has a miniaturizing effect on hair follicles that causes thinning and eventually hair loss. Also, low levels of estrogen and progesterone can be the cause. Hair Loss Caused by Vitamin Deficiency  Low ferritin (iron storage) and Vitamin D are closely related to hair loss and hair damage. When iron is low the hair loses its elasticity, becomes dry and brittle and constantly breaks off. Anagen loss syndrome can also occur if the connective tissue from the hair follicle is weak. Hair Loss is caused by stress Unless you remove your hair from stress (trichotillomania), then the female hormone cortisol can increase and cause antigens to attack the scalp and cause hair loss. Also, stress can worsen autoimmune diseases by affecting the hypothalamus and pituitary gland which will release hormones that promote inflammation. Hair Loss caused by birth control Some birth control pills, IUDs can shock the body and cause hormonal imbalances that can trigger hair loss (telogen effluvium) which causes hair to prematurely pass into the telogen stage. During the hair growth stage, we usually lose between 50-100 hairs however, due to sudden shock you will experience excessive hair loss which you will see on your comb or bathroom floor. Autoimmune conditions Conditions such as diabetes, hypothyroidism, rheumatoid arthritis, intestinal cystitis and fibromyalgia, celiac disease, and lupus. Hair Loss is caused by chemical damage Excessive hair processing due to hair color, softeners, candy, and highlights will cause hair damage (Trichorrhexis Nodosa) and will cause the hair cuticle to become brittle and leak proteins. Split ends (trichoptilosis) will also occur. Hair Loss caused by medications Check with your doctor to see if your medication is controlling hair loss. The body usually recovers quickly after adjusting to the medication but in some cases, it will continue as long as you take it. Restore your Hair with the American Board of Restoration Surgery (ABHRS) certified Aesthetics and Hair Loss Doctor, Dato’ Dr JasG. He has 20 years of experience in hair loss treatment and hair restoration, even in more advanced stages of hair loss.

Can DHT Cause Facial Hair Loss in the Beard and Moustache?


Facial hair, symbolizing masculinity and personal expression, is a key feature for many men. However, some individuals face the challenge of facial hair loss, particularly in the beard and mustache areas. This article delves into the role of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in facial hair growth and explores the complex relationship between DHT and facial hair loss. Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) Overview DHT, a hormone derived from testosterone, plays a vital role in the development of male characteristics, including facial and body hair growth. Produced primarily in the prostate gland, testes, and hair follicles, DHT is essential for the initial development of facial hair during puberty. The Role of DHT in Beard and Mustache Growth As a potent androgen, DHT promotes hair growth in specific areas while inhibiting it in others. During puberty, elevated DHT levels trigger the development of facial hair, resulting in the growth of a beard and mustache. DHT presence in hair follicles activates genes responsible for robust, dark, and abundant facial hair growth. The Complex Connection Between DHT and Facial Hair Loss While DHT is crucial for initiating facial hair growth, its relationship with facial hair loss is intricate. Some individuals may experience androgenetic alopecia or male pattern baldness due to genetic sensitivity of hair follicles to DHT. In these cases, DHT binds to androgen receptors in the follicles, causing gradual shrinkage over time. Consequently, affected follicles produce thinner and shorter hairs, leading to reduced beard and mustache density.   It’s essential to note that not all men with elevated DHT levels will undergo facial hair loss. Genetic predisposition to androgenetic alopecia plays a pivotal role in determining susceptibility to facial hair thinning. Other Factors Influencing Facial Hair Loss Beyond genetic predisposition, several factors contribute to facial hair loss: Age: Hormone levels, including DHT, may fluctuate as men age, influencing facial hair growth patterns. Hormonal Imbalances: Besides DHT, other hormonal imbalances can impact facial hair growth, potentially leading to thinning. Stress: Chronic stress can disrupt hormonal levels, affecting facial hair growth. Medical Conditions: Certain conditions and treatments, such as autoimmune disorders or chemotherapy, may cause facial hair loss. In summary, while DHT is crucial for facial hair initiation, its impact on facial hair loss in adulthood is determined by genetic factors and hormonal imbalances. Genetic predisposition to androgenetic alopecia may result in facial hair thinning due to DHT’s influence on sensitive follicles. However, not all men with elevated DHT levels will necessarily encounter facial hair loss. If you’re concerned about facial hair loss, consulting with GLOJAS hair experts is essential. They can assess your specific case, providing appropriate guidance and treatment options. Remember, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, managing stress, and following a well-balanced diet positively influence overall health, including facial hair growth.

Effective Ways to Stimulate Hair Growth After Chemotherapy


What are the effective ways to stimulate hair growth after chemotherapy? Hair loss is one of the most distressing side effects of chemotherapy. For cancer survivors, regaining their hair can be a symbol of hope and recovery. While the process of hair regrowth after chemotherapy varies from person to person, there are several effective ways to stimulate hair growth and support the natural restoration of your hair. Keep reading to find out! Patience and Self-Care The first step in promoting hair growth after chemotherapy is to practice patience and self-care. Understand that hair regrowth is a gradual process, and it may take several weeks or even months to see significant improvements. During this period, it is essential to take good care of your overall health, including proper nutrition, hydration, and rest. A balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and proteins will provide the necessary nutrients to support hair growth. Gentle Hair Care Routine As your hair starts to grow back, it becomes fragile and delicate. To prevent damage and breakage, adopt a gentle hair care routine. Use mild shampoos and conditioners, preferably those formulated for sensitive or damaged hair. Avoid harsh chemicals and heat styling tools that can further weaken the hair shaft. Instead, opt for air-drying and using wide-tooth combs to detangle hair gently. Scalp Massage Scalp massage is an excellent technique to stimulate blood circulation to the hair follicles, promoting hair growth. Regularly massaging your scalp with gentle circular motions using your fingertips can help increase nutrient delivery to the hair follicles, fostering a conducive environment for hair regrowth. Essential Oils Some essential oils, such as lavender, rosemary, and peppermint, are believed to aid in hair growth. These oils have been used for centuries for their potential to promote hair health. Dilute a few drops of essential oil in a carrier oil like coconut or jojoba oil and massage it into your scalp. The soothing effects of the oils, along with their potential to enhance circulation, can contribute to stimulating hair growth. Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) is a non-invasive treatment that has shown promising results in promoting hair growth. LLLT devices emit red light wavelengths that penetrate the scalp, stimulating cellular activity and promoting hair follicle growth. Consult with a healthcare professional or a dermatologist to explore the suitability of LLLT for your specific case. Minoxidil Treatment Minoxidil, a topical over-the-counter medication, has been approved by the FDA for promoting hair growth. When applied directly to the scalp, minoxidil can extend the growth phase of the hair follicles, leading to thicker and longer hair. However, it’s crucial to consult with a medical professional before using minoxidil, as it may not be suitable for everyone. Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy involves injecting a concentrated dose of platelets from your blood into the scalp. Platelets contain growth factors that may stimulate hair follicles and encourage hair growth. PRP therapy is a relatively new approach and may require multiple sessions for optimal results. Consult with a dermatologist or hair specialist to determine if PRP therapy is right for you. The journey of regrowing hair after chemotherapy requires patience, self-care, and dedication. Embrace your new hair growth with love and care, and remember that it is a testament to your strength and resilience. By adopting these effective strategies, you can nurture your locks and stimulate healthy hair growth. Seek guidance from GLOJAS hair experts to find the best-suited treatments for your unique needs. Embrace your journey to regaining your hair and let it symbolize the beginning of a new chapter in your life. At Glojas, we welcome clients to reach out to us directly to schedule a free initial consultation. We offer guidance and valuable insights on how best to address your specific challenges. Let us assist you in navigating your journey with confidence and clarity.

Are Hair Loss Temporary or Permanent?


Some problems of hair loss are temporary, while some are permanent. The hair loss problem is not uncommon. Most of the men and women are known to suffer from the problem. Earlier, the problem was relatively small. However, in the recent past, it has been known to affect both men and women. Over and above, an increasing number of youngsters are also known to be affected by the problem. The reasons for the problem are immense.  An unhealthy lifestyle and improper exercise regime are known to affect the health of a person. This can create serious health problems. Excessive stress is known to lead to the problem of hair loss. However, there are various remedial measures available that can help tackle the problem successfully. Hair transplant methods can help improve the receding hairline. Apart from this, taking some medicines that can help improve the hairline can also promote hair growth.  For every problem, there is a cure. Consulting a hair specialist will help resolve the problem. They will study the problem of the patient in-depth,and suggest a suitable solution. Each patient being unique has different physique and health related issues. It is only after careful consultation that a physician can suggest the course of action to be taken. There are numerous causes for hair loss. One of the common causes of hair loss is heredity. This happens when families usually pass down the problem throughout the generations. It is typically more prevalent among men. It also occurs in women. Improper diet and not getting enough nutrients in your body, can cause hair loss. Not consuming a sufficient amount of water can also lead to the problem. Stress is known to be the biggest factor of hair loss. Stress leads to adverse effects on the health of a person. The hair loss problem is the most common problem of stress.  People who are on medication for a long time may also suffer hair loss problems. There are certain medications that cause an adverse effect on the health of a person. It can even lead to hair loss. Medications such as high blood pressure pills, birth control pills, and chemotherapy generally cause hair loss.  Besides all these factors, illness over a period of time can also lead to loss of hair. Certain health issues such as high fever or thyroid disorders, and scalp conditions, such as psoriasis, cause hair loss problems.  Medical hair restoration for men can help restore hair growth. Seeking help from best medical specialist will help address the problem. Following certain precautionary measures as part of treatment will also help get over the problem of hair loss. As soon as you notice the problem, you can approach a hair specialist like GLOJAS Hair Specialist Clinic.

Should You Double Cleanse Your Hair?


When it comes to hair care, we’re often bombarded with trends and techniques promising to transform our hair. One such trend that has gained significant popularity is “double cleansing” for hair. Inspired by the skincare routine, double cleansing for hair involves using two different cleansers in succession to remove impurities and product buildup effectively. But is it just a fad, or does it offer tangible benefits? Keep reading to find out. Double cleansing for hair involves using two different types of cleansers in a specific order. First, an oil-based cleanser is applied to the scalp and hair to break down excess sebum, dirt, and styling products. The second step involves using a water-based or sulfate-free cleanser to remove any remaining residue and impurities, leaving the hair and scalp feeling fresh and clean. Benefits of Double Cleansing Deep Cleansing: Double cleansing allows for more thorough removal of impurities and buildup. The oil-based cleanser effectively lifts stubborn dirt and excess oil, while the water-based cleanser ensures the removal of any remaining residues. Improved Scalp Health: A clean scalp is crucial for healthy hair growth. By thoroughly cleansing the scalp, you can prevent clogged follicles, dandruff, and other scalp issues, creating an optimal environment for hair to thrive. Enhanced Hair Manageability: With a clean canvas, your hair will be more receptive to the benefits of conditioners, treatments, and styling products. This can lead to improved hair manageability and styling results. Ideal for Active Lifestyles: If you use a lot of styling products, live in a polluted area, or frequently engage in physical activities, double cleansing can help keep your hair and scalp fresh and free from unwanted residues. Potential Downsides Over-cleansing: Double cleansing might not be suitable for everyone, especially those with dry or sensitive scalps. Over-cleansing can strip the scalp of its natural oils, leading to dryness, irritation, and even an increase in sebum production as the scalp tries to compensate for the lost oils. Time-consuming: Double cleansing requires a bit more time and effort compared to a regular shampoo routine. If you’re always on-the-go, this extra step might be impractical for your daily routine. Not for Everyone: Each individual’s hair and scalp are unique. While double cleansing works wonders for some, others may find that a single cleansing routine is sufficient for their needs. The double-cleansing hair trend has gained popularity due to its promises of deep cleansing and scalp benefits. While it may work wonders for some, it’s essential to consider your hair type, scalp condition, and lifestyle before jumping on the bandwagon. If you decide to give it a try, pay attention to how your hair and scalp respond, and adjust your routine accordingly. As with any beauty trend, it’s all about finding what works best for you and your hair’s unique needs. Happy cleansing! At Glojas, we welcome clients to reach out to us directly to schedule a free initial consultation. We offer guidance and valuable insights on how best to address your specific challenges. Let us assist you in navigating your journey with confidence and clarity.