Exploring Advanced Techniques: Are Scarless Hair Transplants Possible?


Many people wonder if there’s truly a scarless hair restoration available. No need to worry anymore as there’s a hair transplant known as FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) at GLOJAS, which certainly makes it possible. Let’s take a look to know more about this amazing advanced hair restoration treatment. Baldness is a major problem that affects many men/women around the globe. Hair transplant surgery is an excellent way to solve the problem of hair loss. However, many people are afraid of the scars that come along with these procedures. It’s time to discover the scarless hair transplant procedures available.  How Scarless Hair Transplants Are Achieved? Follicular unit procedures, the most mainstream type of hair rebuilding, is performed in 2 distinctive ways: Strip Harvesting or Unit Extraction. In conventional strip harvesting, specialists extract a long piece of the kin from the back of the scalp, which is then called the donor area.    After that the remaining skin is sutured together and hair is expelled from the strip and set in the areas where the hairline is receding like, around the crown or at the top of the head. The issue here is that the sutures by and large leave a scar at the back of the scalp, which is particularly visible if a man has a small hairstyle.     On the other hand, unit extraction is a procedure in which a tiny circular punch is made to extract follicular units with each comprising 3 to 4 hairs. These hairs are then transplanted at the area where hairs are receding. There are tiny holes left on the back of the scalp, which heals after some time leaving small white dots that are really undetectable. So, we can say that it’s really a scarless hair restoration surgery. Is The Hair Transplant Really Scarless? The reality of the situation is that there is no scarless hair restoration procedure. It’s all about different types of scars and how less visible they are to other people. The scar from the strip method is significantly more visible, which makes it less popular among individuals who are looking for a transplant.   FUE has some scarring, yet the dots are basically invisible after the recovery period is over. This is the main reason that experts claim that it’s almost a scarless treatment. However, in recent developments, there have been changes in the strip method that have made its scarring less visible. Is Hair Transplant Right for You? FUE is a standout among the most developed and trusted methods of transplant surgery. However, only an expert surgeon like at GLOJAS can determine if it’s right for you or not. There’s no doubt that FUE hair transplant has a reputation of being the only scarless treatment, but the recent advancements in the strip extraction technique has increased its popularity as well.    Hair transplant is no doubt the best solution if you’re experiencing a constantly receding hairline. It depends on you to choose the type of restoration procedure, but it’s crucial to consider all the facts and consult your surgeon before reaching any decision. Consult for FREE at GLOJAS Hair Specialist Clinic. 

Common Questions About Laser Tattoo Removal Answered


We often make some decisions in our life, which we regret later. One such decision is getting a tattoo. Of course, a tattoo is not a big deal these days, but often people get tattoos that they regret later. However, there’s a treatment available for tattoo removal.   Laser tattoo removal treatment is a safe and reliable way to get rid of unwanted designs from your skin. You must visit only the best cosmetic clinic like GLOJAS that offers services of the most experienced surgeon for tattoo removal.  Check out these common questions often asked by people who are looking for tattoo removal treatment.  Is It Possible To Remove Tattoos? Almost all types of tattoo can be removed. You’ll be surprised to know that tattoos that are made by using black ink are the easiest to remove compared to other colors. In fact, other colors such as dark green, red, yellow, orange, blue, brown, purple, and colors in between can be removed as well. Light green, blue/green, teal or turquoises are the most stubborn colors that don’t come off easily. These colors can be made less visible, but it is not easy to remove them totally. You must visit a renowned cosmetic clinic that is known for removing tattoos safely and effectively. Is Laser Tattoo Removal Safe? With appropriate safety measures and tools used in the treatment hardware, tattoo expulsion lasers are exceptionally safe for treatment. However, only the best and most experienced surgeons like at GLOJAS should perform this type of surgery. All these types of restorative treatments have undergone a lot of tests, and only after full satisfaction are used by medical professionals to expel the ink from the skin. The radiation discharged laser is non-ionizing and has no danger of skin cancer or other unusual cell development. What Type Of Laser Is Utilized For Tattoo Removal? GLOJAS clinic utilize high efficiency lasers for safe and effective expulsion of the ink. Two wavelengths of light are used to separate the ink inside the skin h. Will The Tattoo Removal Procedure Leave Scars On My Skin? Absolutely not, but it must be performed by a qualified and experienced surgeon only like at GLOJAS. The laser doesn’t create a scarring reaction on the skin when utilized by an expert surgeon. Be careful about centers that hire laser professionals who don’t have proper medical training. Is The Laser Treatment Pain? Most people have said that the pain or uneasiness felt during this laser treatment is quite similar to getting a tattoo. But laser treatment is completed quite quickly compared to other procedures. A single session may take 15 to 30 minutes, and the best center for laser tattoo removal uses a wide range of methods to make sure that patients experience minimum pain or discomfort. How Many Sessions Will I Require To Remove The Tattoo Completely? Most people will require around 3 to 10 sessions. The number relies upon various factors like the age of the tattoo, the color, and the type of ink used to make the design. Just make sure you visit the most experienced surgeon like at GLOJAS for the treatment. Consult for FREE at GLOJAS Clinic. 

Can Botox Make Flawless Skin?


Yes, It’s True! Botox Treatment Makes Your Skin Flawless! Botox Treatment can make you look young! But, how can you find out if Botox is right for you or not? Botox surgery can improve your beauty remarkably by simply removing the wrinkles, fine lines, crow’s feet and all the other similar signs of aging.    It is already a known fact that Botox is ideal for almost all types of skin. However, a lot depends on the level of wrinkles, fine lines, crows feet and other signs of aging that determine whether this treatment will be effective or not.   Botox treatment is performed by using injections, but unlike other treatments, which plump up a facial area, Botox makes the facial muscles relaxed. It’s also quite important for every person that before reaching a final decision and undergoing this treatment, it is crucial for you to consult with the best surgeon like at GLOJAS so that they can get complete information about the effectiveness of Botox and what type of wrinkles it has to work on.    Keep in mind that Botox is not any type of abrasive resurfacing procedure. In fact, it is a skin smoothing technique performed on the face through muscle relaxation. Most people with facial skin thinning are likely to get affected by smile lines, and these wrinkles can be easily smoothed out when Botox treatment is performed.  Ideal Candidates For Botox Treatment Many people with poor collagen production and facial skin thinning problem, often notice that fine lines have started developing on different areas of their faces, like near the eyes, or along the corners of the mouth. Excess fatty tissues are the main reason behind the occurrence of large forehead folds, and brittle skin is most often the cause for small and horizontal frown lines around the eyebrows. People affected by these annoying fine lines and wrinkles are ideal candidates for Botox.   There’s no need to worry about skin discolouration as Botox injections won’t discolor the skin. Botox treatment is best for all skin tones. It also doesn’t need skin ablation or any other type of surgery. This clearly makes it an amazing alternative to any surgical procedure that may also leave behind a few incision scars.  How Botox Treatment Is Performed Do you know Botox is a fluid that consists of a purified protein solution? It functions only as a muscle relaxing agent. After Botox is injected under the skin, it relaxes the nerves that generally manage facial muscles. First of all, the best cosmetic surgeon  closely looks at the face of the patient, and then figures out what type of outcomes can be achieved. They will analyze the exact areas where the wrinkles and fine lines are occurring. The injections are then injected in the required region of the face.   Within one or two days, the muscle-relaxing action starts taking place. As the facial muscles fail to contract like they did before, the person gets a smoother skin even when he/she smiles or frowns. However, the results of the Botox surgery can last for up to six months or longer. The treatment is completed within 30 minutes and it is done on an outpatient basis. Consult for FREE at GLOJAS Clinic.