5 Ways You Could Be Damaging Your Skin Unknowingly

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We all desire radiant, healthy-looking skin, but sometimes our daily habits unknowingly contribute to skin damage. From neglecting sun protection to poor skincare practices, these seemingly harmless actions can take a toll on your skin’s health and appearance. In today’s post, we will be exploring five common ways you might be damaging your skin without even realizing it. By identifying these habits and making small changes, you can nurture your skin and achieve the glowing complexion you’ve always wanted. Skipping Sunscreen One of the biggest mistakes we make is neglecting sunscreen, assuming that it’s only necessary on sunny days. The truth is, harmful UV rays can penetrate through clouds and windows, causing cumulative damage to your skin over time. Sunscreen acts as a shield, protecting your skin from premature aging, sunburns, and the risk of skin cancer. Make it a habit to apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 every day, regardless of the weather or season. Your skin will thank you for the extra protection! Over-Exfoliating Exfoliation is great for removing dead skin cells and revealing a fresh complexion. However, overdoing it can lead to excessive dryness, redness, and even micro-tears in the skin. Many people scrub their faces vigorously, thinking it will produce better results. Instead, opt for a gentle exfoliator and limit exfoliation to 1-2 times per week. This will maintain your skin’s balance and prevent unnecessary damage. Ignoring Proper Cleansing Proper cleansing is vital for healthy skin, yet many of us rush through this crucial step. Leaving makeup, dirt, and pollutants on your skin can clog pores, leading to breakouts and dullness. Take the time to cleanse your face thoroughly, preferably using a gentle cleanser suitable for your skin type. Remember to remove makeup before bed to allow your skin to breathe and regenerate overnight. By making cleansing a priority, you’ll keep your skin clean and free from impurities. Hot Water and Long Showers While hot showers are tempting, prolonged exposure to hot water can strip away your skin’s natural oils, leaving it dry and dehydrated. Additionally, hot water can dilate blood vessels, leading to redness and aggravating conditions like rosacea. Opt for lukewarm water instead and limit your shower time to 10-15 minutes. Afterward, pat your skin dry gently and apply a moisturizer to lock in hydration. This simple adjustment will help maintain your skin’s moisture balance and prevent unnecessary damage. Neglecting Hydration Hydrated skin is healthy skin, but many people overlook the importance of internal hydration. Not drinking enough water can leave your skin dull, dry, and prone to wrinkles. Aim to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to keep your skin plump and moisturized from within. Additionally, incorporating hydrating skincare products, such as serums and moisturizers, into your routine will provide an extra boost of moisture and keep your skin looking vibrant and youthful. Taking care of your skin goes beyond just applying skincare products. It’s about understanding the habits that may unknowingly harm your skin. By being mindful of your sun protection, exfoliation, cleansing routine, water temperature, and hydration levels, you can make positive changes to promote healthy, glowing skin. Small adjustments in your daily routine can go a long way in preventing damage and maintaining your skin’s overall health and beauty. Treat your skin with care, and it will reward you with a radiant complexion that reflects your inner vitality. At Glojas, we welcome clients to reach out to us directly to schedule a free initial consultation. We offer guidance and valuable insights on how best to address your specific challenges. Let us assist you in navigating your journey with confidence and clarity.

Breast Implants for Cancer Patients

Facing a breast cancer diagnosis is a life-altering experience that often requires difficult decisions. One such choice that cancer patients may consider is breast reconstruction using implants. So, let’s explore deeper into the world of breast implants for cancer patients, their benefits, considerations, and the path to reclaiming confidence and femininity.   Breast reconstruction is a transformative surgical procedure that rebuilds the shape and appearance of a breast after a mastectomy or lumpectomy. For cancer patients who undergo breast removal, breast reconstruction provides an opportunity to regain a sense of wholeness and self-esteem. Breast implants are one of the options available for achieving this reconstruction.   Breast implants are synthetic devices, typically made of silicone or saline, that are inserted into the breast tissue to recreate a natural-looking breast mound. They offer several advantages for cancer patients seeking reconstruction. Implants can restore breast volume, enhance symmetry, and help patients regain their pre-cancer body image. They can provide a sense of normalcy, which can positively impact emotional well-being during the recovery process.   There are two primary types of breast implants: silicone and saline. Silicone implants consist of a silicone gel-filled shell, while saline implants are filled with a sterile saline solution. Both types have their own unique characteristics and considerations. Patients should consult with their surgeons to determine which option is most suitable for them, taking into account factors such as desired shape, texture, and personal preferences.   Breast implant surgery is typically performed in two stages. The initial stage involves placing a tissue expander, which gradually stretches the chest muscles and skin to create space for the implant. This helps achieve a natural appearance. In the second stage, the expander is replaced with the chosen implant. The surgery is tailored to each patient’s individual needs, ensuring optimal results and minimal scarring.   While breast implants offer a transformative solution, it’s crucial to understand the potential risks and considerations involved. Like any surgical procedure, breast implant surgery carries certain risks, such as infection, bleeding, and capsular contracture. It’s important for patients to have an open and thorough discussion with GLOJAS experts to assess the potential benefits and risks and make an informed decision.   Breast cancer can take a toll on a person’s emotional well-being. Breast reconstruction, including the option of implants, can play a significant role in restoring confidence and self-image. However, it’s important to acknowledge the emotional impact of the decision-making process. Cancer patients should seek support from loved ones, join support groups, or consider counseling to navigate the emotional journey associated with breast reconstruction.   Breast implants not only enhance physical appearance but can also positively influence the overall quality of life for cancer survivors. The regained sense of femininity, self-assurance, and body confidence can contribute to a more positive outlook. It’s important to remember that each person’s experience with breast reconstruction is unique, and post-surgical care, including regular check-ups and screenings, remains crucial for long-term well-being.   Breast implants offer cancer patients the opportunity to reclaim their bodies and boost their self-esteem after undergoing breast removal. This empowering choice enables women to embrace their femininity and embark on a path of healing and self-discovery. While it’s essential to weigh the considerations and risks associated with breast implant surgery, the potential benefits are vast. By consulting with GLOJAS experts, you can make informed decisions about your breast reconstruction journey, ultimately regaining your sense of wholeness and living life to the fullest.   At Glojas, we welcome clients to reach out to us directly to schedule a free initial consultation. We offer guidance and valuable insights on how best to address your specific challenges. Let us assist you in navigating your journey with confidence and clarity.

Things to Avoid When You Have Alopecia Areata


Living with alopecia areata can be challenging, both emotionally and physically. This autoimmune condition causes hair loss in patches, which can significantly impact a person’s self-esteem and overall well-being. While managing alopecia areata requires patience and understanding, there are certain things that individuals with this condition should avoid. Let’s discuss some of the key things to avoid when you have alopecia areata.   Stress and Anxiety   Stress and anxiety can worsen the symptoms of alopecia areata. It’s important to recognize that stress is a natural part of life, but finding healthy ways to manage it is crucial. Engaging in relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, yoga, or pursuing hobbies can help reduce stress levels and promote emotional well-being. Additionally, seeking professional help, such as therapy or counseling, can provide valuable tools for managing stress and anxiety.   Harsh Hair Care Products   When dealing with alopecia areata, it’s essential to be gentle with your hair. Harsh hair care products, including chemical-laden shampoos, conditioners, and styling products, can further damage the hair follicles and exacerbate hair loss. Opt for mild and natural hair care products that are free from sulfates, parabens, and other harmful ingredients. Be gentle when washing, conditioning, and styling your hair, avoiding tight hairstyles or excessive heat styling.   Negative Self-Talk   It’s common for individuals with alopecia areata to experience a dip in self-esteem due to their hair loss. However, engaging in negative self-talk will only exacerbate these feelings. Avoid negative self-talk and instead focus on practicing self-acceptance and self-love. Surround yourself with a supportive network of friends and family who understand and embrace your journey. If necessary, consider joining a support group or seeking professional help to address any negative thoughts or feelings.   Overusing Hairpieces or Extensions   While hairpieces or extensions can help cover up patches of hair loss temporarily, overusing them can be detrimental to the health of your hair. The constant pulling and tension caused by these hair accessories can lead to further hair breakage and damage. It’s essential to give your hair a break and allow it to breathe. Embrace your natural beauty and focus on building your confidence from within.   Unhealthy Lifestyle Habits   Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is important for everyone, but it becomes even more crucial when managing alopecia areata. Unhealthy habits such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and a poor diet can contribute to hair loss and hinder the healing process. Instead, prioritize a balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Regular exercise and adequate sleep are also essential for overall well-being and can help manage stress levels.   Excessive Sun Exposure   Protecting your scalp from the sun’s harmful UV rays is essential, especially if you have hair loss patches. The exposed skin on your scalp is more susceptible to sunburn and damage. To avoid this, wear a hat or use sunscreen specifically designed for the scalp. Look for a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher and apply it generously before heading outdoors.   Comparison and Unrealistic Expectations   It’s easy to fall into the trap of comparing yourself to others or longing for a full head of hair. However, comparing yourself to others or setting unrealistic expectations can lead to frustration and disappointment. Remember that everyone’s journey with alopecia areata is unique, and acceptance of your own experience is vital. Focus on what you can control, such as taking care of yourself physically and emotionally, and celebrate your individuality.   Living with alopecia areata requires patience, self-care, and a positive mindset. By avoiding these things mentioned above or consulting with GLOJAS hair experts, you can help manage the symptoms of alopecia areata and improve your overall well-being. Remember to be kind to yourself, seek professional help when needed, and embrace your uniqueness.   At Glojas, we welcome clients to reach out to us directly to schedule a free initial consultation. We offer guidance and valuable insights on how best to address your specific challenges. Let us assist you in navigating your journey with confidence and clarity.

Living with Alopecia Areata


Living with alopecia areata can be a challenging journey, affecting not only our physical appearance but also our emotional well-being. Alopecia areata is an autoimmune condition that causes hair loss in patches, often leaving individuals feeling self-conscious and frustrated. However, there is hope. In recent years, the SMART™ FUE (SMART™ Follicular Unit Excision) hair transplant has emerged as a revolutionary solution, offering a renewed sense of confidence and a chance to reclaim our identity. Keep reading to explore the realities of living with alopecia areata and how SMART™ FUE hair transplant can be the best solution for regaining a full head of hair.   Alopecia areata is a condition in which the immune system mistakenly attacks hair follicles, resulting in hair loss. This can occur in small patches or progress to the loss of all scalp hair (alopecia totalis) or even body hair (alopecia universalis). The unpredictable nature of alopecia areata can make it difficult to cope with emotionally, as it can affect anyone regardless of age, gender, or ethnicity. However, it is crucial to remember that we are not alone in this journey.   The Emotional Impact   The emotional impact of alopecia areata should not be underestimated. Many individuals with this condition experience a loss of self-esteem and confidence. It can affect personal relationships, career choices, and overall quality of life. However, it is important to remember that our worth is not determined by our appearance. Embracing our uniqueness and finding inner strength is essential. That said, seeking a hair restoration solution like the FUE hair transplant can help restore confidence and positively impact our emotional well-being.   The SMART™ FUE Hair Transplant   SMART™ FUE hair transplant has gained significant popularity in recent years due to its effectiveness and natural-looking results. Unlike traditional hair transplant methods, which involve the removal of a strip of skin from the back of the head, SMART™ FUE is a minimally invasive procedure that extracts individual hair follicles from donor areas and implants them into the recipient areas. This advanced technique ensures minimal scarring, faster recovery, and a more natural-looking hairline.   Benefits of SMART™ FUE Hair Transplant   Natural Results: SMART™ FUE hair transplant provides natural-looking results, as the procedure allows for precise placement of individual hair follicles. The transplanted hair grows naturally, seamlessly blending with the existing hair.   Minimally Invasive: SMART™ FUE is a minimally invasive procedure, involving small incisions and no sutures. This means less discomfort, reduced scarring, and a quicker recovery time compared to traditional hair transplant methods.   Versatility: SMART™ FUE hair transplant can be used to treat various stages of hair loss, whether it’s addressing small patches or restoring a full head of hair. The procedure can be tailored to suit individual needs, making it a versatile solution.   Long-lasting Results: Once the transplanted hair follicles are implanted, they continue to grow naturally. The results are long-lasting, allowing individuals to enjoy a full head of hair for years to come.   Boost in Confidence: The physical transformation that occurs after an FUE hair transplant often leads to a significant boost in self-confidence. Feeling comfortable and happy with our appearance can positively impact various aspects of our lives, from personal relationships to professional endeavors.   Living with alopecia areata can be challenging, but it is important to remember that there are solutions available that can help us regain our confidence and sense of self. The SMART™ FUE hair transplant stands as a groundbreaking method that offers natural-looking results, minimal scarring, and long-lasting benefits, and is only available at GLOJAS. Embracing our uniqueness and taking control of our journey can lead to a happier and more fulfilling life.   At Glojas, we welcome clients to reach out to us directly to schedule a free initial consultation. We offer guidance and valuable insights on how best to address your specific challenges. Let us assist you in navigating your journey with confidence and clarity.