Skincare At Home

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Stunning and flawless skin is what every girl and woman wishes for. These days whether or not you’re a student, homemaker, or a corporate professional, it’s important to have glowing and healthy skin. This can be the primary thing people notice in you and it undoubtedly makes a smart impression on others. Each girl is born with gorgeous skin and it’s up to you to take proper skincare of it.     You can choose different types of skin treatment such as skin polishing and chemical peels which make you look a lot younger by removing the signs of aging from your skin.  Here are some easy Home Remedies that will give you younger, glowing, and healthy skin.   Cleansing. A good cleansing which is practiced on a regular basis helps to remove pollutants that get settled on the skin throughout the day. Don’t forget to use a cleanser or a face wash appropriate for your skin type rather than soap. This is primarily because soap has harsh chemicals that make your skin dry by removing the moisture from it. Exfoliation. It is an important thing to do in order to achieve a clean complexion. A high-quality scrub can take away the dead skin cells from the top layer of your skin, stimulating the creation of new and healthy cells. It enhances the circulation of blood, and lightens the skin, making skin soft and smooth. Protection. Make it a habit of using a sunscreen lotion that has SPF 30, wherever you go outdoors. It’s necessary that you simply use good sunscreen in winter also, and not just in the summer. Sunscreen lotion which has SPF 30 provides protection to your skin from the extremely harmful UVA and UVB rays. Concentrate On Some Special Areas. When you cross the age of 30 years, it becomes extremely necessary that you simply concentrate on some special areas of your body such as the eyes, neck, and hands which exhibit early signs of aging. The skin on the hands and the neck starts becoming loose bit by bit and we develop dark circles and swelling below the eyes. These are considered to be the first signs of skin aging. If you want to remove the dark circles and swelling under your eyes then you should apply some juice of a cucumber or raw potato. Keep slices of a cucumber or raw potato over your eyes. You can also keep boiled tea bags over the eyes (after cooling them down). Use cocoa or almond cream to massage twice every day, in order to tighten the loose skin around your neck and hands. You can also opt to do a massage with olive oil or baby oil. All these methods will make your skin soft and supple.     These easy remedies can surely work wonders for your skin. However, for outstanding results, you can choose to visit a renowned cosmetic clinic like GLOJAS  to get a skin treatment. Consult with us for FREE today!

Reclaim Your Confidence with Hair Transplant


Hair transplant treatment is a cosmetic surgical procedure that can help to restore hair back on your head. Genes are the primary reason for the hair loss problem, especially if you belong to a family where almost every male member loses their hair at a particular age.      In case your hair is declining at quite a fast rate and it is not similar to other male members of your family then it is quite crucial for you to exclude other usual reasons for hair loss, before you opt for hair transplant treatment. Hormone imbalances, diabetes, nutrient deficiencies, and medicines might be the reason behind your hair loss. In such scenarios, a treatment option before transplantation is acceptable.      People who are good in overall health and don’t have any type of chronic disease are ideal candidates for hair transplant treatment. It is a cosmetic surgical treatment, so it might carry with it some temporary side effects such as swelling, headaches, numbness, infection, and a few other issues. The majority of these side effects are curable and go away with time. Luckily, hair transplant is performed on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia which minimizes the risks involved, if any.    Following the instructions of the hair transplant surgeon can limit the appearance of side effects. Similar to any other type of treatment or surgery, non-smokers will be seeing a lot better recovery post-surgery compared to smokers.      A slight problem might arise with hair transplant treatment if you don’t have the required density of hair in the donor area. It will become difficult for the surgeon to deliver high-quality results if you’re completely bald or just have thin and sparse hair. A possible hair loss in the future is another reason that will affect the outcomes of the surgery. However, you shouldn’t worry much about this problem as the surgeon will extract healthy grafts from areas on your scalp that have a low chance of seeing any hair loss.   The area above the neck on the back of the head is an ideal location for the extraction of graft. If the grafts are extracted from the wrong area then there’s a high chance that follicles will die sooner or later, and you’ll end up having another transplant surgery. While deciding to get transplant surgery, you need to evaluate and be clear in your mind that you really want to go for the surgery.   If you want a reasonable cost for a hair transplant, GLOJAS Hair Clinic can fulfill your objectives. Consult with us for FREE! GLOJAS clinic has developed a team of experts who have full mastery of hair transplants and other cosmetic procedures.